2040 Transportation Master Plan
Executive Summary

The 2040 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) sets the direction for a vibrant city where people and places are conveniently connected by diverse transportation options. It is a long-term, citywide plan for transportation improvements that will help keep Kelowna moving, now and into the future.
The 2040 TMP is designed to integrate with the 2040 Official Community Plan (OCP) and will put the Imagine Kelowna community vision into action. Imagine Kelowna is a vision for the community, created by the community, that envisions a Kelowna that is connected, smarter, responsible, and collaborative.
The 2040 TMP will help us all work together toward a smarter and more responsible approach to transportation. It recognizes that Kelowna is growing, our climate is changing, and our economy and transportation needs are evolving.
The plan will help us cut carbon emissions that contribute to extreme heat, fires, and floods, accommodate more trips while reducing our car-dependence, and maintain and protect the Kelowna lifestyle we all value. The plan sets ambitious, yet achievable targets for 2040 that we can all work together to achieve, including:
- doubling transit ridership
- quadrupling the number of trips made by bicycle
- reducing the average distance driven per person by 20 per cent
In addition, the 2040 TMP will help Kelowna achieve the following twelve goals:
The 2040 TMP was developed through an intensive five-phase, multi-year technical and community engagement process. Since early 2018, there have been 16 presentations to Council, five major public and stakeholder engagement processes, over 4,600 survey responses and more than 12,000 interactions with community members. All of these have helped shape the plan content and recommendations.
The plan was also developed in coordination with the 2040 OCP, 20 Year Servicing Plan, Regional Transportation Plan, and Community Climate Action Plan, among others.
The 2040 TMP is designed to guide our actions over the next 20 years. It was developed using a financial lens to ensure it is realistic, as well as with input from the public to ensure we are balancing the community’s desire for improved service levels, with the need to manage costs responsibly. The plan recommendations were carefully selected to maximize benefits to our residents, businesses and community, at the best price possible.
The 2040 TMP includes over 100 recommended actions across six categories. The plan recommendations will help us maintain and renew our existing infrastructure, create fast and reliable transit, improve road connections, develop comfortable bicycle routes, create walkable neighbourhoods, and help people use and enjoy new ways of getting around.
Together, the actions in the 2040 TMP will help reduce the growth of traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, help people of all ages and abilities get around, make it easier for more people to walk, bike and take transit, and help create a future where everyone has the opportunity to participate in the city’s prosperity.