2040 Official Community Plan

Kelowna’s heritage is a history tied to the land, the cultural environment and the people who have long understood the richness of this area. It is reflected in our historically and architecturally significant buildings, structures, natural landscapes, historic districts, archaeological sites and other places of heritage value.
The City will balance Kelowna’s growth and the protection of our natural, cultural and built heritage assets through integrated and innovative approaches to heritage conservation. Using the City’s Heritage Strategy and the Development Application and Heritage Procedures Bylaw, the City will conserve the community’s natural landscapes, local archaeological sites and built heritage for generations to come. While the City has a large stake in the preservation of heritage, it is the diverse partnerships with the syilx/Okanagan people and the local heritage organizations that are integral to the overall success of heritage conservation in Kelowna.
Policy 11.1.1. City of Kelowna Heritage Assets.
The City of Kelowna will manage City-owned heritage sites in accordance with best practices in heritage management.
Policy 11.1.2. Heritage Strategy.
Use the directions adopted in the Heritage Strategy, as amended, to make informed planning decisions on heritage conservation in the City, including, but not limited to, diverse partnerships, heritage incentives, and integrated and innovative approaches to heritage conservation, community development and public awareness.
Policy 11.1.3. Heritage Financial Supports.
Support the conservation, rehabilitation, interpretation, operation and maintenance of heritage assets through grants, incentives, supportive land uses and other means.
Policy 11.1.4. Heritage Engagement.
Encourage resident and stakeholder input into heritage planning through the advice of the Heritage Advisory Committee and partnerships/communication with the Central Okanagan Heritage Society, the Okanagan Historical Society, the Kelowna Museums Society, Westbank First Nation, Okanagan Indian Band and relevant community or neighbourhood organizations.
Policy 11.2.1. Heritage Conservation.
Conserve historic places in a manner consistent with the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada under the guidance of registered heritage professionals of the BC Association of Heritage Professionals (BCAHP). Work with consistent conservation documents and planning tools to make decisions about historic places and manage heritage projects including Heritage Reviews, Statements of Significance, Heritage Conservation Plans and Heritage Alteration Permits.
Policy 11.2.2. Kelowna Heritage Register.
Use the Kelowna Heritage Register as the primary tool to identify heritage buildings. Continue to maintain and update the Heritage Register in accordance with provisions of the Local Government Act and Heritage Conservation Act.
Policy 11.2.3. Kelowna Heritage Register Expansion.
Expand the Kelowna Heritage Register to include additional archaeological sites, landscapes, properties, structures and cemeteries.
Policy 11.2.4. Historic Place Identification, Evaluation and Intervention.
Heritage reviews will be conducted by a professional member of the BC Association of Heritage Professionals and used to identify heritage resources, determine their relative heritage value, and guide appropriate conservation, protection and mitigation tools.
Policy 11.2.5. Protection of Historic Places.
Prioritize the legal protection of historic places using the tools identified in the Local Government Act:
- Heritage Designation Bylaws;
- Heritage Revitalization Agreements; and
- Heritage Covenants.
Policy 11.2.6. Retention of Historic Places.
Where legal protection is not possible or appropriate, encourage the retention of historic places in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, as amended, in which adaptive re-use and rehabilitation allow for contemporary, creative and innovative interventions and uses.
Policy 11.2.7. Heritage Retrofits.
Explore opportunities to incentivize retrofits to heritage buildings that improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that do not negatively impact their exterior Character Defining Elements.
Policy 11.3.1. syilx/Okanagan Significant Sites.
Collaborate and partner with local syilx people to identify, protect, and maintain local archaeological sites and the syilx/Okanagan identity.
Policy 11.3.2. Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.
Follow the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places, as amended, for conservation of identified archaeological sites.
Policy 11.3.3. Public Awareness.
Raise public awareness about the value of archaeological sites and their protection under the Heritage Conservation Act.
Policy 11.3.4. Heritage Property Owner Responsibilities.
Ensure that property owners are aware of their responsibilities under the Heritage Conservation Act when conducting land-altering activities.
Policy 11.3.5. Unauthorized Damage to Archaeological Sites.
Avoid or reduce unauthorized damage to protected archaeological sites in accordance with the Heritage Conservation Act.
Policy 11.4.1. Heritage Conservation Areas.
Guide redevelopment in the Abbott Street and Marshall Street Heritage Conservation Areas outlined on Map 23.1 using the guidelines in Chapter 23: Heritage Conservation Area.
Policy 11.4.2. Historic Neighbourhoods Identification.
Consider identifying additional historic Kelowna neighbourhoods, areas, districts, or clusters through the use of Historic Context Statements to raise public awareness, as possible additions to the Kelowna Heritage Register and to inform future area planning processes.