2040 Official Community Plan
Making the Plan Work

The Official Community Plan is a living document that provides direction on how Kelowna will evolve to 2040. While policies and decisions should be consistent with the Pillars, Growth Strategy, objectives and the policies of the Plan, the Official Community Plan should be recognized as a flexible and adaptable document. Amendments to the plan from time to time are expected during its 20 year life to ensure that it adapts to a changing context.
Policy 16.1.1. OCP Consistency.
Ensure future City plans, policies and bylaws prepared following adoption of the 2040 Official Community Plan take direction from and are consistent with the Plan. In addition, plans, policies and bylaws adopted prior to the Official Community Plan should be updated and amended to be consistent with it over time.
Policy 16.1.2. Official Community Plan Amendment Evaluation.
Evaluate applications for amendments to the Official Community Plan based on how they are consistent with the OCP Pillars and the Growth Strategy, as outlined in Chapter 1: The Big Picture to determine how the proposed amendment meets the Plan’s vision and relationship to Imagine Kelowna.
Policy 16.1.3. Official Community Plan Amendment Process.
Consider the scale of the impact of a proposed OCP Amendment when determining application processes and opportunities for consultation as outlined in Section 475 of the Local Government Act. Examples of differing scales may include (from smallest anticipated impact to greatest anticipated impact):
- Minor amendments to improve clarity and understanding of the Official Community Plan;
- Text amendments that do not include amendments to the Future Land Use Map (Map 3.1);
- Amendments to the Future Land Use Map (Map 3.1);
- Amendments to the Growth Strategy Districts; and
- Comprehensive plan updates.
Policy 16.1.4. Development Approval Information.
Pursuant to Section 485.1 of the Local Government Act, the entire City of Kelowna is designated as a Development Approval Information Area in order to guide and support new development that contributes to the goals and objectives of the Official Community Plan. The Divisional Director of Planning and Development Services, or designate, may require development approval information pursuant to that Section. The conditions that justify this designation are as follows:
- Kelowna is a rapidly growing community and this growth will impact neighbourhoods, businesses, service provision and infrastructure. Information may be required to assess impacts on nearby and adjacent development, including shadowing, noise, visual impacts and scale, impacts on community services, such as parks, schools and protective services, socio-economic impacts, and impacts on the transportation and utility network and infrastructure.
- Kelowna’s landscape includes hillsides, floodplains, wildfire interface areas and other unique landscapes. Information may be required to assess impacts on these landscapes and to protect people, property and infrastructure.
- Kelowna is home to many sensitive terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, a valley-wide airshed, agricultural lands and water bodies, including Okanagan Lake. Information may be required to guide and inform protection of this land, water and air.
- Kelowna is located in the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the syilx/Okanagan people, who have lived here since time immemorial. As such, the area is home to many important heritage assets. Settlement of the area by non-indigenous residents has also provided the city with many heritage assets. Information may be required to identify heritage value of these assets, including but not limited to landscapes, archaeological sites, buildings and properties, and to guide their protection and conservation.
Policy 16.1.5. Requirement to Obtain a Development Permit.
Within a development permit area, a development permit must be obtained before undertaking certain activities, such as subdividing land or constructing, adding to, or altering a building or specifications, unless specifically exempted. The triggers for the development permit requirement vary slightly by development permit area. Chapters 18 through 22 specify the triggers and available exemptions.
Policy 16.1.6. Multiple Development Permits.
Where land is subject to more than one Development Permit designation, development will be subject to the requirements of all applicable development permit guidelines.
Policy 16.1.7. Density Bonusing.
Consider the use of density bonusing provisions as outlined in the Local Government Act in exchange for the provision or conservation of an amenity and for the provision of affordable or special needs housing.
The Official Community Plan provides a high level Growth Strategy as well as a series of objectives and policies to guide the City’s development. However, supplementary plans that address specific topics or areas are required to provide more detailed policy or regulatory guidance.
The Official Community Plan was developed in conjunction with the Transportation Master Plan and the 2040 Infrastructure Plan to ensure that the OCP’s vision is able to become a reality. Together all three of these plans provide direction on how Kelowna will grow through to 2040, ultimately meeting Imagine Kelowna. As such, detailed direction for transportation network implementation should be guided by the Transportation Master Plan. The 2040 Infrastructure Plan should provide guidance for the delivery of utility infrastructure during the life of the plan.
The Official Community Plan is also guided by supplementary plans, such as the Civic Precinct Plan and the Capri-Landmark Urban Centre Plan, for example. These supplementary plans provide more detailed policy guidance for specific neighbourhoods and can include, but are not limited to, Urban Centre Plans, Area Redevelopment Plans and Area Structure Plans. New supplementary plans are expected during the life of the Official Community Plan, as outlined in Figure 16.1, and upon their endorsement from Council, the Official Community Plan will be amended to reflect the endorsed supplementary plan.
Policy 16.2.1. Supplementary Plans.
Supplement the directions provided in the Official Community Plan with those provided in the Transportation Master Plan, the 2040 Infrastructure Plan and other supplementary plans.
Policy 16.2.2. Review of Supplementary Plans.
Undertake regular reviews of supplementary plans to ensure compliance with relevant policies and regulations.
The Official Community Plan sets the direction for how Kelowna will grow and evolve to 2040. However, putting the plan into action will require significant efforts beyond its adoption by Council. Other City plans, bylaws, policies and programs will need to be updated to reflect the direction of the 2040 OCP. At the same time, more detailed supplementary plans and studies will need to be undertaken to provide detailed policy direction in certain areas.
This section outlines the key implementation actions that are required during the life of the plan ensure that it meets the vision outlined in the Growth Strategy, the Pillars and ultimately, Imagine Kelowna.
Many of these implementation actions reflect Kelowna’s shift towards a more urban future, one that is inherently more complex and interconnected. For instance, urban development and redevelopment – a central focus of this OCP – occurs in the context of existing neighbourhoods, emphasizing the need to balance the interests of existing residents with the broader need to accommodate sustainable growth. The City will need to adapt to managing growth in these contexts by developing new approaches, standards and systems, and by dedicating resources, both existing and new, to where they are most impactful.
Policy 16.3.1. OCP Implementation Actions.
Use Figure 16.1: Implementation Actions and Map 16.1 to guide the timing and resourcing of OCP implementation actions, with due recognition of available budget and other work planning considerations.
Policy 16.3.2. Neighbourhood Planning Prioritization.
Consider prioritization of neighbourhood planning actions based on the following:
- Expected level of development activity, including large scale projects that necessitate City direction on infrastructure and growth strategy alignment;
- Need for community amenities;
- Need to define civic investment priorities; and
- Age of existing neighbourhood plan (if any).
Policy 16.3.3. Regional, Indigenous and Community Partners.
Continue to foster relationships and partner with the Regional District of Central Okanagan, Westbank First Nation, Okanagan Indian Band, neighbouring municipalities, post-secondary institutions and other key community partners to effectively deliver on implementation actions.
Communities must be resilient and adaptive in the in the face of a changing world, and the documents that guide their growth must be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that they are responding to emerging trends, risks and opportunities. This makes a robust monitoring and evaluation program critical to the successful implementation of the 2040 OCP. Monitoring provides Staff and Council with the information needed to respond to the evolving context of the community and to determine whether the community is taking steps forward to realize the 2040 OCP Pillars. The Pillars offer insight as to how both internal processes at City Hall as well as broader community efforts are aligning with the key directions of the 2040 OCP. The process of implementing the Official Community Plan requires on-going commitment, action and course corrections to operationalize the Plan in the community and within the City’s corporate processes.
The indicators for monitoring of the 2040 OCP should consider the following criteria:
- Meaningful: Does the indicator align well with the 2040 OCP Pillars and key objectives?
- Outcome-oriented: Does the indicator provide an understanding of results and offer insight as to what is happening on the ground in the community and within the City?
- Available: Does the City have access to the data sources on an annual basis, or in some cases is the data available through the Census?
The monitoring of the 2040 OCP is an important activity that will require 0n-going commitment with two different types of reports: annual reporting and more comprehensive five-year reports. The annual reporting will rely on data sources that are available annually such as development patterns, activity and City investment to provide a general understanding of performance on key indicators. The annual report will also include a short narrative around performance of the indicators.
The five-year report will be the more comprehensive monitoring report, relying on a mix of both annual data sources and census data. This report will provide a greater level of analysis and tell a larger story around the performance of the indicators and the degree to which the City is advancing the OCP Pillars. The five-year reports will provide more substantive analysis of trends that may be impacting the indicator and provide recommendations for how policy and regulations could be adapted to influence the performance of key indicators moving forward.
Policy 16.4.1. OCP Indicators Report.
Develop a process to monitor the outcomes of the OCP, including the delivery of both an annual and a five-year report to Council.
Policy 16.4.2. Plan Review and Refinement.
Following regular reviews of the OCP indicators, explore actions that inform refinements to the Official Community Plan and/or inform future plan updates, such as Housing Needs Assessments and additional area planning initiatives, for example.
Policy 16.4.3. Housing Needs Assessments.
To ensure that the Growth Strategy continues to support onboarding of a diverse housing supply, undertake housing needs assessments to inform scheduled Official Community Plan updates. Work with the Regional District of Central Okanagan, other municipalities and First Nations to address shared housing objectives.
Table 16.1: Implementation Actions
ST = Short Term (0-4 years following OCP adoption)
LT = Long Term (5 – 10 years following OCP adoption)
O = Ongoing actions throughout OCP lifespan
# | Action | Associated Objective or Policy | Action Type | Timing |
Environment, Energy and Climate | ||||
1 | Develop an anti-idling bylaw | 14.1.1. Motor vehicle use and air quality | Bylaw update | ST |
2 | Implement and update the Air Quality Strategy | 14.1.1. Motor vehicle use and air quality | Strategy / Program | LT |
3 | Implement the Community Climate Action Plan | 12.1 Design the community to be more resilient to a changing climate | Implement existing plans | O |
4 | Develop a Climate Action and Resiliency Strategy | 12.1 Design the community to be more resilient to a changing climate | Strategy / Program | ST |
5 | Partner with stakeholders to develop an Okanagan Lake Management Plan | 14.3.1 Okanagan Lake’s ecosystem health | Plan development | ST |
6 | Develop and implement strategies to monitor changes in tree canopy coverage and to sensitive ecosystems | 16.4 Ensure the Official Community Plan responds to emerging trends, opportunities and risks. | Strategy / Program | ST |
7 | Identify and implement tools to protect ecosystem connectivity corridors. | 14.4.2. Ecosystem connectivity corridors. | Strategy / Program | ST |
8 | Update and implement the Urban Forestry Strategy | 14.2 Protect and expand a healthy and viable urban forest | Strategy / Program | ST |
9 | Implement and update the Energy Step Code Strategy for new construction | 12.4.1. Energy Step Code | Strategy / Program | ST |
10 | Develop a Landscape Standards and Maintenance Bylaw | 4.3, 5.5. Protect and increase greenery | Bylaw Update | ST |
11 | Develop a Private Tree Protection Bylaw | 14.2. Protect and expand a healthy urban forest. | Bylaw Update | ST |
12 | Update the Heritage and Significant Tree Inventory | 14.2. Protect and expand a healthy urban forest. | Inventory | LT |
13 | Develop a Community Energy Retrofit Strategy | 12.4.2. Energy efficient design | Strategy / Program | ST |
14 | Implement the Corporate Energy and GHG Emissions Plan | 12.5. Improve energy efficiency and reduce operational greenhouse gas emissions | Implement existing plans | O |
15 | Implement the Community Low Carbon Mobility Strategy: Electric Vehicles and E-Bikes | 12.7.2. Electric mobility | Implement existing plans | O |
16 | Explore options to encourage on-site green infrastructure in development | 12.8. Invest in ecosystem services and green infrastructure to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate. | Strategy / Program | LT |
Urban Centre & Local Area Planning | ||||
17 | Develop a Rutland Urban Centre Plan | 4.7. Focus new development in Rutland strategically to create a new high-density hub to support improved services and amenities | Plan development | ST |
18 | Develop a Pandosy Urban Centre Plan | 4.6. Support infill and redevelopment to promote housing diversity and enhanced services and amenities in the Pandosy Urban Centre | Plan development | ST |
19 | Develop a Midtown Urban Centre Plan | 4.8. Support modest residential development to transition Midtown into a transit-supportive neighbourhood | Plan development | LT |
20 | Develop a North End Neighbourhood Plan | 5.8.3. North End Industrial Lands | Plan development | ST |
21 | Develop a Residential Infill Strategy | 5.3 Design residential infill to be sensitive to neighbourhood context | Strategy / Program | ST |
22 | Implement the Capri Landmark Urban Centre Plan | 4.5.1. Capri Landmark Urban Centre Plan | Implement existing plans | O |
23 | Develop an Okanagan Rail Trail Land Use Plan | 13.8 Protect and enhance the Okanagan Rail Trail as a vital transportation corridor linking communities in the Okanagan Valley | Plan development | LT |
24 | Complete the Pandosy/Richter Corridor Study | 5.2. Focus residential density along Transit Supportive Corridors | Strategy / Program | ST |
25 | Develop a Terms of Reference to guide developer-initiated Area Redevelopment Plans | 5.3.3. Strategic Density | Process Change | LT |
26 | Undertake a North Glenmore Sector Development Study to inform future OCP update processes. | 16.4.2. Plan Review and Refinement | Strategy / Program | LT |
27 | Develop a Hall Road Neighbourhood Plan | 8.4.4. Consideration of Serviced Areas. | Plan development | LT |
Parks & Placemaking | ||||
28 | Develop a Parks Master Plan | 10.3. Ensure parks reflect their unique natural and cultural context | Plan development | ST |
29 | Develop a “Parks on Streets” Policy | 10.2.2. Parks on Streets | Strategy / Program | ST |
30 | Develop an Alternative Parks Policies Framework | 4.1.10., 5.4.4. Public Space for Future Development | Process Change | ST |
31 | Investigate tools to create an Okanagan Lake Waterfront Park Habitat Balance Strategy | 10.4.8 Waterfront park development | Strategy / Program | ST |
Land Development & Management | ||||
32 | Update the Development Application Review Process | 16.1.1. OCP Consistency | Process Change | O |
33 | Update the Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw | 16.1.1. OCP Consistency | Bylaw Update | ST |
34 | Update the Zoning Bylaw | 16.1.1. OCP Consistency | Bylaw Update | ST |
35 | Update the Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw | 4.4.7. Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption 4.7.6. Rutland Revitalization Tax Exemption | Strategy / Program | ST |
36 | Implement the Wildfire Protection Plan | 15.1. Reduce wildfire risk to health and safety of the public, property and infrastructure | Implement existing plans | O |
37 | Update Council Policy No. 247 Hierarchy of Plans | 16.1.1. OCP Consistency | Process Change | ST |
38 | Implement the Agriculture Plan | Objective 6.7. and 8.1. Protect and preserve agricultural land and its capability | Implement existing plans | O |
39 | Monitor and report on OCP outcomes | 16.4.1. OCP Indicators Report | Strategy / Program | O |
Housing and Community Well-being | ||||
40 | Develop an Equity Strategy | 9.1.2 Equity Analysis and Strategy | Strategy / Program | ST |
41 | Develop Housing Needs Assessments to inform future OCP updates | 16.4.3. Housing Needs Assessments | Strategy / Program | O |
42 | Develop a Tenant Assistance Policy | 4.13.3, 5.12.3., 6.10.4. Tenant Assistance | Strategy / Program | ST |
43 | Develop Rental Housing Retention or Replacement Regulations | 4.14.1, 5.13.1. Protection of Existing Rental Stock | Strategy / Program | ST |
44 | Complete the Social Planning Framework | 9.1. Incorporate equity into planning decisions and resource allocation in our community | Strategy / Program | ST |
45 | Complete and implement the Healthy City Strategy | 9.3. Develop diverse partnerships to advance complex social planning issues and increase community wellbeing | Strategy / Program | O |
46 | Establish location criteria for shelters and safety net supports for people experiencing homelessness | 4.2.2, 5.4.2. Safety Net Supports and Services | Strategy / Program | ST |
47 | Update the Heritage Strategy | 11.1.2. Heritage Strategy | Strategy / Program | LT |
48 | Update the Heritage Conservation Area Design Guidelines and Identify Conservation Incentives and Tools | 11.1.2 Heritage Strategy | Strategy / Program | ST |
49 | Establish a Heritage Impact Assessment Terms of Reference | 11.2. Identify, conserve and protect historic places | Process Change | LT |
50 | Expand the Heritage Register to include archaeological sites, landscapes, structure and cemeteries | 11.2.3. Kelowna Heritage Register expansion | Strategy / Program | LT |
51 | Explore opportunities to encourage heritage building retrofits and energy efficiency upgrades | 11.2.7. Heritage retrofits | Strategy / Program | ST |
52 | Implement the Cultural Plan | Various | Implement existing plans | O |
53 | Implement the Cultural Facilities Master Plan | Various | Implement existing plans | O |
Transportation | ||||
54 | Implement the Transportation Master Plan | 16.2.1. Supplementary plans | Implement existing plans | O |
55 | Complete a Local / Neighbourhood Streets Pilot Program | 5.16. Create neighbourhood streets that are safe and comfortable for people to walk, bike and play on | Strategy / Program | ST |
56 | Develop a Transportation Safety Strategy | 4.17. Create urban streets that are attractive to live, work and shop on 5.16., 7.9. Create neighbourhood streets that are safe and comfortable for people to walk, bike and play on. 6.15. Maintain safe roads that support agricultural uses | Plan development | ST |
57 | Update the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan | 16.2.1. Supplementary plans | Plan development | ST |
58 | Develop an Accessibility Transition Plan | 4.17. Create urban streets that are attractive to live, work and shop on 5.16, 6.15, 7.9., Create neighbourhood streets that are safe and comfortable for people to walk, bike and play on | Plan development | ST |
59 | Develop a Curbside Management Plan | 4.18, 5.18. Manage curb space to reflect a range of community benefit | Plan development | ST |
60 | Undertake a Goods Movement Study | 6.11.7. Highway 97 | Plan development | ST |
61 | Update the Cash In Lieu of Parking Bylaw | 4.19.3, 5.19.3. Leverage Cash-in-Lieu | Strategy / Program | ST |
Infrastructure and Servicing | ||||
62 | Develop 2040 Infrastructure Plan | 16.2.1. Supplementary plans | Implement existing plans | O |
63 | Develop a Water Conservation Plan | 13.4. Provide a secure supply of water 13.5. Protect the supply of high-quality drinking water | Plan development | ST |
64 | Develop an Agricultural Water Demand Management Plan | 13.4.4. Water Availability for Agriculture | Plan development | LT |
65 | Develop a Water Shortage Management Plan | 13.4. Provide a secure supply of water 13.5. Protect the supply of high-quality drinking water | Plan development | ST |
66 | Establish an annual capital plan prioritization matrix to ensure capital investments align with OCP | 13.1.1. Infrastructure Prioritization | Process Change | ST |
67 | Identify floodplain areas and develop policies to minimize flood risk | 15.4. Reduce flood risk to health and safety, infrastructure, property and natural assets | Plan development | ST |
68 | Identify new funding tools to support infrastructure and facilitate growth | 13.2.3. Infrastructure and facility funding tools | Strategy / Program | LT |