Nominations for the 50th annual Civic & Community Awards will open in fall 2024. Select the appropriate nomination category * - Select -Bob Giordano Memorial - Coach or Sport Administrator of the YearFemale Athlete of the YearMale Athlete of the YearBryan Couling Memorial - Athletic Team of the YearTeen Honour in the ArtsYoung Citizen of the YearSarah Donalda Treadgold & Fred Macklin Memorial - Citizen of the YearVolunteer Organization of the YearCorporate Community of the YearChampion for the EnvironmentHonour in the ArtsImportant: before you begin, please read the following selection criteria information:Selections are solely based on the nomination package highlighting the nominee’s achievements/contributions for the year 2024.Nominees must not have personally benefited from their volunteer activities, nor should the contributions be considered part of their normal employment or job responsibilities.Past information can be included, but the nomination package should primarily regard their contributions in 2024.Nominee's information Nominee's full name * Nominee's full address * Nominee's primary phone * Nominee's alternate phone Nominee's email * Nominee's date of birth (required for youth nominee's) Nominator's information Nominator's first name * Nominator's last name * Nominator's full address * Nominator's primary phone * Nominator's alternate phone Nominator's email * Nominator's affiliation with nominee In 150 words or less, explain how the award criteria applies, and why this nominee should be selected for the award. * In 150 words or less, explain how the above criteria applies to your nominee, and why this business should be selected for this award. Please include a statement identifying the corporate mandate for community involvement. * In 150 words or less, explain how the above criteria applies to your nominee, and why this organization should be selected for this award. Please also provide a brief description of the mandate/overall governance of the organization. * Provide a list of your nominee’s accomplishments and contributions for the year 2024. Please provide specifics and examples related to their role, reach, impact and engagement within the community. * Please list all 2024 accomplishments and/or Provincial, National and World Rankings, if applicable. * Provide a list of your nominee’s accomplishments and contributions for the year 2024. Please provide specifics and examples related to their role, reach, impact and engagement within the community. * Provide a list, outlining your nominee’s environmental initiatives and achievements for the year 2024. Please include an estimate for the number of Kelowna residents impacted and a long term plan for growth and sustainability, if applicable Provide a list of your nominee's accomplishments, contributions and/or total number of volunteer hours in 2024. * Provide any additional information regarding your nominee's previous accomplishments and/or contributions (prior to 2024) as it applies to this nomination. *Letters of support Attachment 1 *Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: pdf doc docx. Attachment 2 Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: pdf doc.***PLEASE NOTE*** Including letters of support greatly strengthens the nomination package. One letter is required and three are strongly suggested. You may attach up to 3 Letters of Support that have been written and signed by the nominee's references, as well as any additional support materials such as newspaper clippings. Letters can be emailed separately to [email protected] Attachment 3 Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.Declaration: I understand that the nominee needs to be contacted and agree to being nominated for a City of Kelowna Civic & Community Award. I confirm that the information within this nomination package is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, and can be used as a basis for the award selection process and a personal biography. If the nominee is selected as a finalist, he or she understands that nomination excerpts, event photos and acceptance speeches may be used in future Civic & Community Awards promotional materials and other purposes.By submitting this form, I confirm that I have contacted the nominee and they will allow their name to stand for this award.CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.