2040 Official Community Plan

Like other cities, Kelowna is facing a number of infrastructure challenges, including growth induced demand for more and improved services, aging infrastructure, regulatory demands and a backlog of projects with limited options for raising capital to respond. These challenges have resulted in an infrastructure deficit at a critical time where new infrastructure is necessary to respond to the impacts of climate change.
Keeping citizens safe and healthy is the paramount priority for infrastructure investment. Recognizing this, the City must find a financially sustainable path to deliver infrastructure services that balances the obligation to maintain existing infrastructure with the need for new investments that support growth and improved services.
Managing how and where we grow is the most significant tool we have to achieve financially sustainable service delivery. Strategically focusing investment in the Urban Centres and the Core Area will help to service more of the population while minimizing long-term maintenance and renewal costs. By shifting growth away from new suburban greenfield development, we can maximize Kelowna’s existing infrastructure systems and limit extension of these system to service areas on the outskirts of the community.
Policy 13.1.1. Infrastructure Prioritization.
Prioritize infrastructure investment using a multiple bottom line decision-making approach based generally on the following parameters and priorities:
- Public health and safety;
- Regulatory need;
- Growth Strategy District;
- Environmental responsibility;
- Economic efficiencies and impact, such as partnerships, project coordination and economic spinoffs; and
- Key local industries (i.e. agricultural in the case of irrigation water supply).
Policy 13.1.2. Land Use Coordination.
Coordinate infrastructure upgrades and system extensions with land use and density requirements to ensure cost-effective urban development, to minimize infrastructure life cycle costs and to mitigate the financial impacts of lower density residential development.
Policy 13.1.3. Transportation Infrastructure Investments.
Guide investments in transportation infrastructure using Maps 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4 and 13.5. Ensure adequate Rights-of-Way are established to accommodate existing and future transportation needs for pedestrians, cyclists, transit services, vehicle travel, goods movement, boulevards, including street trees, and drainage and utility service corridors, as illustrated in the City of Kelowna OCP Map 10.1 Linear Corridors and 13.1 Functional Road Class Map, including overlay maps 13.2 - 13.5 and corresponding classification ROW as identified in Subdivision Servicing Bylaw Schedule 4, as amended.
Policy 13.1.4. Safe Transportation.
Design Kelowna’s transportation network and infrastructure to prioritize the health and safety of its citizens.
Policy 13.2.1. Life Cycle Asset Management.
Make planning and capital investment decisions with a long-term life-cycle asset management perspective for the design, maintenance and renewal of infrastructure and facilities, including natural assets.
Policy 13.2.2. Development Pays for Itself.
Regularly review development cost charges to ensure new development fairly funds growth related infrastructure.
Policy 13.2.3. Infrastructure and Facility Funding Tools.
Work with senior levels of government and community stakeholders to identify new and innovative approaches to funding infrastructure and facility improvements related to growth.
Policy 13.2.4. Operational and Maintenance Cost Recovery.
Continue to recover costs of utility operations and maintenance through user fees and charges.
Policy 13.2.5. Integrated Design and Delivery Process.
Coordinate between City divisions, other levels of government and utility service providers to ensure all infrastructure projects consider multiple objectives.
Policy 13.2.6. Quality and Long-Lasting Infrastructure.
Ensure the procurement of high quality long-lasting infrastructure that maximizes service life and minimizing life cycle costs.
Policy 13.2.7. Coordination of Infrastructure Expansion and Renewal.
Coordinate new infrastructure projects with renewal projects to improve resiliency, reduce overall area costs and minimize disruptions.
Policy 13.2.8. Utility and Right-of-Way Corridors.
Seek opportunities for preserving rights of way formerly for utilities or other purposes, such as future linear paths as part of the pedestrian and bicycle networks.
Policy 13.3.1. Stormwater Flow Management.
Design new stormwater infrastructure to manage flows to pre-development rates including future climate change projections.
Policy 13.3.2. Surface Drainage / Detention Areas.
Support the integration of stormwater detention and conveyance systems with community or natural amenity space where possible. Promote park and streetscape designs that serve as temporary stormwater retention.
Policy 13.3.3. Stormwater Capture.
Encourage the capturing of stormwater and discharging to ground where appropriate, while reducing impact to downslope properties.
Policy 13.3.4. Mimic Nature.
Mimic the natural ecosystem processes in stormwater system design and construction where possible.
Policy 13.3.5. Impervious Surfaces.
Minimize impervious surfaces and maximize infiltration where appropriate to reduce runoff.
Policy 13.3.6. Stormwater Quality.
Require that stormwater design accounts for maximizing water quality.
Policy 13.3.7. Erosion & Sedimentation Control.
Apply best practices to land use management to prevent erosion and sedimentation during construction.
Policy 13.4.1. A Sustainable Water Utility.
Continue to provide a cost-effective, resilient and sustainable supply of safe and high-quality water to all utility customers. Expand the water supply system as outlined in Map 13.6 – Water Supply System, in accordance with the Kelowna Water Servicing Plan, the 20 Year Servicing Plan, the Agricultural Plan and phasing of new development.
Policy 13.4.2. Kelowna Water Integration Plan.
Continue to promote the long-term integration of potable water systems to provide a cost-effective, resilient and sustainable supply of safe and high-quality water to all citizens and customers. The Plan includes the interconnection and long-term viability of non-potable and disinfected water for agriculture from upland watersheds.
Policy 13.4.3. Water Servicing for Reserve Lands.
Continue to collaborate with the Okanagan Indian Band, Westbank First Nation, neighbouring municipalities and independent water purveyors to ensure a safe supply of drinking water.
Policy 13.4.4. Water Availability for Agriculture.
Collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the delivery of sufficient quantities and the efficient use of water for agricultural productivity.
Policy 13.4.5. Efficient Water Practices.
Incorporate water conservation, demand management and water shortage management into long term utility planning.
Policy 13.4.6. syilx /Okanagan Water Declaration.
Collaborate with the syilx/Okanagan communities to incorporate elements of their Water Declaration into City management policies and practices.
Policy 13.4.7. Environmental Flow Needs.
Ensure that our creeks and lakes have adequate flow and temperature conditions to support a thriving and resilient aquatic habitat.
Policy 13.5.1. Water Infrastructure Expansion.
Expand the potable network so that all citizens and customers are provided high quality water that meets the Canadian Drinking Water guidelines and Interior Health Authority water quality objectives.
Policy 13.5.2. Area Based Water Management.
Collaborate with external agencies, municipalities and senior government to apply best practices for watershed management to maintain and improve water quality from natural sources.
Policy 13.5.3. Protect Water from Source to Tap.
Practice a multiple barrier approach, including strong protection at the source, effective water treatment and safe distribution to ensure high quality drinking water and minimize any risk to public health.
Policy 13.5.4. Water Intake Zones.
Avoid locating stormwater outfalls near source water intake zones, as identified on Map 13.6 – Water Supply System. Development and recreation that could impact source water quality should also be discouraged near source water intake zones.
Policy 13.5.5. Groundwater Protection.
Collaborate with the Province and stakeholders to protect the City’s groundwater resource from inappropriate development as outlined in the Natural Environment Development Permit Guidelines in Chapter 21: Natural Environment Development Permit Area.
Policy 13.6.1. New Sewer Servicing.
Ensure that all new developments are connected to the City sanitary sewer system. New septic systems are not permitted for new development in the Permanent Growth Boundary.
Policy 13.6.2. Sewer Servicing Areas.
Collaborate with senior levels of government and community stakeholders to expand the sanitary sewer system to existing neighbourhoods currently on septic systems within the generalized sewer limits identified on Map 13.7- Sanitary Sewer System.
Policy 13.6.3. Sewer Expansion in Rural Lands.
Restrict community sewer service expansion into Rural Lands and agricultural lands except where infrastructure is needed to address public health issues and protection of natural assets as identified by the City or senior government.
Policy 13.7.1. Glenmore Landfill.
Continue to use the Glenmore Landfill facility for the disposal of waste in accordance with the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan and the Design, Operation and Closure Plan.
Policy 13.7.2. Landfill Life Extension.
Extend the life of the Glenmore Landfill by supporting local and regional programs and strategies to reduce and divert waste.
Policy 13.7.3. Landfill Nuisance Buffer.
Prohibit development of urban residential uses within the buffer area surrounding the Regional Landfill as per Map 13.8 - Landfill Impact Buffer Area and consistent with provincial regulation.
Policy 13.7.4. Resource Recovery.
Encourage resource recovery, such as renewable natural gas, from reuse of waste transported for disposal in order to reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste.
Policy 13.8.1. Okanagan Rail Trail Connections.
Prioritize development of walking and biking routes that provide safe, convenient and accessible linkages to Okanagan Rail Trail access points.
Policy 13.8.2. Okanagan Rail Trail Protection.
Ensure the long-term protection of the Okanagan Rail Trail by not permitting encumbrances within the Okanagan Rail Trail corridor, including but not limited to driveways, crossings, and utilities.
Policy 13.8.3. Okanagan Rail Trail Partnership.
Continue to partner and collaborate with the Okanagan Rail Trail Committee to manage and enhance the trail as well as protect the trail for the long-term opportunity to develop a multi-modal transportation corridor linking the communities along the corridor.
Policy 13.9.1. Communications Infrastructure.
Support the creation of high quality and assured communication links, including dark fibre infrastructure.
Policy 13.9.2. Energy Infrastructure.
Work closely with utility companies to coordinate planning and development of electricity, natural gas and other energy and utility infrastructure (e.g. solar, geothermal, etc.) to ensure project efficiencies, to minimize costs and to reduce public nuisance.
Policy 13.9.3. Transmission Line Setbacks.
Require residential development to be set back from the edge of utility transmission lines.
Policy 13.10.1. Use of Gravel Prior to Development.
Encourage identified gravel resources to be extracted prior to development of sites outlined in Map 13.9 – Sand and Gravel Deposits for urban uses to avoid the necessity of seeking such resources in agricultural lands.
Policy 13.10.2. Use of Depleted Areas.
Require depleted extraction area to be rehabilitated in accordance with provincial best management practices and used for purposes consistent with Map 3.1 – Future Land Use and Official Community Plan objectives and policies.
Policy 13.10.3. Impacts of Extraction.
Discourage aggregate extraction that creates undue impact on neighbourhood residential uses or excessive truck traffic, safety and road condition issues.