2040 Transportation Master Plan

A corridor that is prioritized for safe and convenient use by human-powered (active) modes of transportation, such as walking and biking. Active Transportation Corridors can consist of independent pathways, or protected paths integrated into roads.
A road that is designed to facilitate the movement of people or goods over longer distances in the city, as outlined in OCP Map 13.1 and the Transportation Master Plan.
Refers to transportation and land use patterns that necessitate the use of cars for most, if not all, daily trips.
A network of transit corridors where transit service runs at least every 15 minutes in both directions throughout the day and into the evening.
A system that categorizes roads according to their role and function in the transportation network. The functional classification of a road (e.g., arterial, collector, local) helps determine priorities for things like snow clearing or sweeping, as well as requirements for new developments.
Gases that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, water vapour). The majority of GHG emissions are produced by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
A street located in an Urban Centre where retail commercial uses are required at grade and where the City would target the greatest emphasis on creating a high quality, pedestrian oriented public realm.
Public transit that often has an exclusive right-of-way and has vehicles that make fewer stops, travel at higher speeds, provide more frequent service and carry more people than typical local bus service.
Traffic congestion tends to maintain equilibrium (traffic volumes increase until congestion delays discourage additional driving). When new road capacity is added to try to alleviate congestion, people often quickly adapt by changing their travel behavior – e.g., driving more, changing routes, leaving at different times, or living further away. The end result is roads fill back up quickly, often in just five to ten years1. A more effective long-term solution to traffic congestion is to reduce car-dependence by concentrating growth, shortening trip distances, and providing more transportation options for residents besides driving.
Major and minor arterials whose primary function is mobility.
Off-street pathways that are physically separated from motor vehicle traffic and can be used by people walking, bicycling, and using other forms of active transportation such as skateboarding, kick scootering, and in-line skating. Small electric vehicles such as e-bikes, e-scooters and mobility devices are also accommodated.
Streets with low motor vehicle volumes and speeds that have been reduced through traffic calming to prioritize bicycle traffic. Because motor vehicle volumes and speeds are low, neighbourhood bikeways can be comfortable facilities for people of all ages and abilities.
Local and collector streets that prioritize access to residences and businesses and provide connections from neighbourhoods to the major road network.
The ability of a street to move people using all modes of transportation, not just automobiles.
A transportation facility that can be constructed relatively quickly using ‘interim’ materials that are typically significantly less expensive that permanent infrastructure. An example is using portable concrete barriers rather than cast-in-place concrete curb for a protected bike lane.
A street located in an Urban Centre where residential uses are required at grade with opportunities for limited commercial uses.
Streets identified in Urban Centres that will require retail commercial uses at grade.
A road with very low motor vehicle speeds and volumes in which the living environment dominates over the through movements. A shared space functions first as a meeting place, residence, playground, and pedestrian area. The road is shared among people walking, cycling, and driving.
Streets that are identified to support a higher density and greater mix of uses in the Core Area that can be accommodated with and support increased transit service. See OCP Chapter 3: Future Land Use.
Information, encouragement and incentives that help people make decisions that reduce the demand on the transportation network.
Adults who do not have their own bank account.
A measure of how much distance is driven by a motorist or many motorists (i.e. all motorists within a city) in a given time period.