2040 Official Community Plan - Form & Character


> Our community > Planning & projects > 2040 Official Community Plan > Form and Character > Institutional
Last Updated: 
January 10, 2022
2040 OCP - Form and Character Guidelines - Institutional Chapter Header, image of Public Library in Kelowna
7.0 Institutional Guidelines


In many jurisdictions, wholly institutional developments are exempt from DP Guidelines or, at the very least, not given specific guidelines. In many cases, the City will not have jurisdiction over Institutional development (e.g., hospitals, schools) but desires to have an influence and provide direction to ensure these developments help the City to achieve its design goals and community objectives.
A master planning process is encouraged for institutional development projects to ensure a comprehensive and cohesive design that contributes, connects well to, and expands on the existing and/or planned future context; responds sensitively to natural and ecological features; and supports liveability and sustainability, informed by the Design Foundations and General Guidelines of this document (see 2.0 and 2.1).

7.1.1 General guidelines

  1. Design institutional buildings to respond to the Design Foundations (2.0) and General Guidelines (2.1), while respecting the need for functional (e.g., access or parking) or site-specific design solutions.
  2. Key Institutional buildings may incorporate landmark or emblematic design features, such as prominent vertical elements, significant corner treatments, and entry plazas or large extensions of the public realm.
  3. In large-scale projects, demonstrate variety in massing and materiality.
  4. Design buildings such that their form and architectural character reflect the buildings internal function and use (e.g., a school, a hospital, a museum).
2040 OCP - Example of Institutional building in Kelowna at the Downtown Library
Figure 75: Kelowna Downtown Library provides a welcoming public realm, as well as high quality architectural design.
2040 OCP - Form and Character - Institutional Guidelines - example of architecture
Figure 76: Example of an institutional building with high quality architecture.