Highlights of June 24 Council meeting

June 25, 2024

City of Kelowna news release header [https://assets-can.mkt.dynamics.com/a84a96fa-fe6d-4e0e-b9de-807754433782/digitalassets/images/871eaf19-b6a3-eb11-b1ac-000d3a09d043] Train Station heritage agreement

Owners of the Train Station Pub at 1175-1177 Ellis Street have signed a heritage revitalization agreement with the City, which will protect the existing heritage building, garden, plaza and gingko tree. Read report to Council

Annual Report

Council reviewed and approved the City’s 2023 Annual Report – Beyond the Curve: A year of action, collaboration and innovation. The report details the City’s key projects and work carried out over the past year, and the importance of foundational plans and decisions endorsed by Council in 2023.  

Read report to Council

Social development update

Council heard an update of the objectives, key milestones and future work of the Social

Development department. As a new City service, Social Development will drive change and collective, community action to enhance social wellness and improve responsiveness to various complex community challenges.

Read report to Council

Sani-dump facility

Council directed staff to look at the need for a sani-dump facility in Kelowna and possible locations including potential partnership opportunities with the private sector, and report back to Council.

Read report to Council

To watch a playback of the Council meeting and view all presentations, visit “Past Meetings” at kelowna.ca/council.

Manage Preferences kelowna.ca footer [https://assets-can.mkt.dynamics.com/aaed7bcf-a50b-4aa6-bda4-54fe8ca2739e/digitalassets/images/58884985-a686-eb11-a812-000d3af40082]
