Upcoming utility improvements and road widening in Glenmore

March 12, 2025

Work will begin the week of March 17 on the second phase of a $3.6 million project to build 1.5 km of a new 600 mm sanitary trunk main between Cross Road and Snowsell Road within the Glenmore Road corridor. This project will be conducted alongside the planned Glenmore Road widening project, which was advanced to align with the utility work.


“Currently effluent in the Glenmore sanitary network must funnel into smaller connecting mains enroute to the wastewater treatment plant. This extension will re-route the flows in a more direct path to the treatment plant, significantly decreasing the risk of overburdening the smaller local mains,” said Jason Jensen, Project Coordinator. “When a sanitary network is overburdened, it can lead to sanitary sewer backup which can cause impacts to the community. This work ensures service reliability and addresses any issues before they occur.”


The City infrastructure team works to coordinate road work and construction with utility work to minimize impact on residents and moderate project costs whenever possible. In coordination with the critical sanitary trunk construction, the City will begin work on widening Glenmore Road to four lanes from Union Road to Scenic Road.  


This project is one of several identified in the Transportation Accelerator Program (TAP) for design and delivery, ahead of the original timeline in the 10-Year Capital Plan . The project accommodates growth and will be delivered in conjunction with the Glenmore active transportation corridor to complete a gap in the active transportation network.


Work on the Glenmore sanitary trunk is expected to be completed by the end of October 2025. The first portion of Glenmore Road widening is expected to be completed in winter of this year., with the second portion of widening from Scenic to north of Snowsell planned for 2026.  


Glenmore Road is expected to remain open to traffic in both directions; however, speeds will be reduced within the active construction zone and detours and minor closures may be required. Motorists can expect delays and are encouraged to choose other routes or travel outside of peak times. Before taking to the road this construction season, visit kelowna.ca/roadreport to avoid planned road closures.  


Transit stops will also be relocated during construction - riders can visit bctransit.com/kelowna for alerts and schedules.


The City of Kelowna appreciates your patience during these service upgrades and apologizes in advance for any inconveniences. Find more information about the projects at kelowna.ca/cityprojects .