Shape the future of Manhattan Point Park

July 3, 2024

Early design for the Manhattan Point Park at 900 Manhattan Drive is underway and the City is looking for input from residents to help identify uses, priorities and aesthetic options for the unique site.  

Residents are being asked to help shape the waterfront space through a digital survey until Sunday, August 4. Community members are also invited to attend a ‘walkshop’ to share input and connect with the project team at the park on Saturday, July 13, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 

“Manhattan Point Park is an important location for the neighbourhood and for the city as a whole.,” said Melanie Steppuhn, Park and Landscape Planner.  “We want residents to share how they envision using the space and what they’d like prioritized within the design. Through engagement, the community has a unique opportunity to influence the concept design and the future of this site.” 

Manhattan Point Park was closed in 2017 due to flooding damage. Key objectives for park improvements include creating safe public access to the waterfront, making available public land for public use, improving shoreline stabilization, and delivering environmental benefits. A concept design is expected to be completed later this year. 

The City is committed to improving public amenities and accessibility, increasing tourism and economic potential, and fostering social and environmental sustainability.  

For more information about the project and to provide your input, please visit