Zoning Bylaw No. 12375

Section 13 - Multi-Dwelling Zones

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January 27, 2025
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Section 13 - Multi-Dwelling Zones
13.1 Zone Purposes
Section 13.1 Zone Purposes
MF1 – Infill HousingThe purpose is to provide a zone for infill development within the core area of the City limiting development to 6 ground-oriented residential dwelling units or less.
MF2 – Townhouse HousingThe purpose is to provide a zone for ground-oriented multiple housing (typically townhouse developments) up to 3 storeys on serviced urban lots.
MF3 – Apartment HousingThe purpose is to provide a zone primarily for apartments ranging up to 6 storeys on serviced urban lots with various commercial uses permitted on transit supportive corridors.
MF4 – Transit Oriented AreasThe purpose is to provide a zone that permits a range of redevelopments from infill housing up to 6 storey apartments.
13.2 Sub-Zones
Section 13.2 Sub-Zone Purposes
MF1 – Infill HousingMF1r – Infill Housing Rental OnlyThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone that restricts the dwelling units to a rental only tenure and to prohibit any building or bareland stratification.
MF1cc – Infill Housing with Child Care Centre, MajorThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone to allow for Child Care Centre, Major land uses on a case-by-case basis where supported by OCP policy.
MF1b – Infill Housing with Boarding or Lodging HouseThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone to allow for Boarding or Lodging House land uses on a case-by-case basis where supported by OCP policy.
MF1hc – Infill Housing with Heritage CommercialThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone for the preservation of land and buildings that have heritage value for low density residential uses to expand into complimentary commercial uses related to health services, and minor retail activities.
MF2 – Townhouse HousingMF2r – Townhouse Housing Rental OnlyThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone that restricts the dwelling units to a rental only tenure and to prohibit any building or bareland stratification.
MF3 – Apartment HousingMF3r – Apartment Housing Rental OnlyThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone that restricts the dwelling units to a rental only tenure and to prohibit any building or bareland stratification.

MF4 – Transit Oriented Areas

MF4 r – Transit Oriented Areas Rental OnlyThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone that restricts the dwelling units to a rental only tenure and to prohibit any building or bareland stratification.
MF4b – Transit Oriented Areas with Boarding or Lodging HouseThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone to allow for Boarding or Lodging House land uses on a case-by-case basis were supported by OCP policy.
13.3 Permitted Land Uses
Section 13.3 Permitted Land Uses
('P' = Principal Use, 'S' = Secondary Use, '-' = Not Permitted)
Accessory Buildings or StructuresSSSS
Agriculture, UrbanSSSS
Apartment Housing--PP
Boarding or LodgingP (MF1b only)--P (MF4b only)
Child Care Centre, MajorP .3SSS
Child Care Centre, MinorSSSS
Cultural and Recreation Services--S .2S .2, .10
Duplex HousingPP-P
Emergency and Protective Services---P .8
Food Primary Establishment--S .2S .2, .10
Group HomeP .1P .1-P .1
Health ServicesP .5-S.2P .10
Home-Based Business, MajorS .6S .6S .6
Home-Based Business, MinorSSSS
Professional Services--S .2S .2, .10
Participant Recreation Services, Indoor--SS
Personal Service Establishments--S .2S.2, .10
Retail- .5-S .2S .2, .10
Secondary SuitesS--S
Semi-Detached HousingPP-P
Single Detached HousingPP-P
Stacked TownhousesPPP .4P
TownhousesPPP .4P

FOOTNOTES (Section 13.3):
.1 Group homes are only permitted within a single detached housing, semi-detached housing, or a duplex housing form.
.2 These land uses are only permitted on transit supportive corridors and these land uses are not permitted above the first storey. Footnote .10 further restricts these land uses.
.3 The lot must have a child care sub-zone ‘cc’ on the property for a child care centre, major to be permitted.

.4 Townhouses and/or stacked townhouses are only permitted if the majority of the residential dwelling units are in the form of apartment housing.
.5  The Health Services land use or the Retail land use is only permitted as a principal use when the lot contains the ‘hc’ Heritage Commercial sub-zone. The health services use shall not generate more than two (2) clients to the site from which the business is being operated at any given time. The retail use shall be limited to those uses related to arts, crafts, or cultural activities such as souvenir, craft, or gift shops, bookstores, art galleries, or photography studios. Individual general retail services are limited to a maximum net floor area of 100 m2.
.6 Home-based business, major is only permitted within ground-oriented dwelling units fronting transit supportive corridors, ground-oriented dwelling units within urban centres, or ground-oriented dwelling units within village centres.
.7 [Deleted]
.8 Emergency and protective services are only permitted as a principal use only a lot that abuts a minor or major arterial road as determined by the OCP.
.9 [Deleted]
.10 These land uses are not permitted for lots identified in Figure 13.3 MF4 Commercial Restricted Area.

Figure 13.3 - MF4 Commercial Restricted Area

13.4 Subdivision Regulations
Section 13.4 Subdivision Regulations
m = metres / m2 = square metres
Min. Lot WidthRegular Lots13.0 m .1, .220.0 m .130.0 m30.0 m
Corner lots15.0 m .1, .2
Min. Lot Depth27.0 m .1, .230.0 m .130.0 m30.0 m
Min. Lot AreaRegular Lots350.0 m2 .1, .2900 m2.11,400 m21,400 m2
Corner Lots400 m.1, .2
Min. Building Envelope Area140 m2n/an/an/a

FOOTNOTES (Section 13.4):
.1 Townhouse and semi-detached housing developments may be subdivided into smaller lots than the regulations listed above provided: the site is comprehensively developed under a single development permit, the lot is subdivided along a party wall, and a party wall agreement is registered on title.
.2 Minimum lot width, lot depth, and lot area also apply to bareland strata lots.

13.5 Development Regulations
Section 13.5 Development Regulations
m = metres / m2 = square metres
MF1 - Two Dwellings Units or LessMF1 - Three Dwellings Units or MoreMF2MF3MF4
Max. Height
Max. Density
Section 13.6 – Density and Height Development Regulations
Min. Setback from buildings, raised patios, and balconies to on-site treesSee Table 7.2 Tree & Landscaping Planting Requirements
Max. Site Coverage of all Buildings40%55% .1055%65%See Footnote .11
Max. Site Coverage of all Buildings, Structures, and Impermeable Surfaces70%75% .1080%85%
Max. Gross Floor Area of a Third (3rd) Storey relative to the Second (2nd ) Storey (this does not apply to Dwellings with Walkout Basements)


See Figure 5.11 for Example Diagram


See Figure 5.11 for Example Diagram

Min. Front Yard and Flanking Side Yard Setback for all building types3.0 m.53.0 m .53.0 m .3, .53.0 m .3,.5 
Min. Building Stepback from Front Yard and Flanking Side Yardn/an/an/a3.0 m .6
Min. Side Yard Setback1.8 m except 1.2 m from a lane .21.8 m except 1.2 m from a lane  .22.1 m except 1.2 m from a lane .23.0 m .7
Min. Rear Yard Setback6.0 m except 4.5 m for Wide Lots3.0 m except 0.9 m from a rear lane4.5 m except 0.9 m from a rear lane4.5 m except 3.0 m from a rear lane .4
Min. Rear Yard Setback for Accessory Buildings / Structures1.5 m except 0.9 m from a lane1.5 m except 0.9 m from a lane1.5 m except 0.9 m from a lane1.5 m except 0.9 m from a lane .7
Min. Separation between Detached Principal Buildings2.0 m2.0 m3.0 mn/a
Min. Common and Private Amenity Spacen/an/a

For Developments with 1 to 10 Dwelling Units = n/a

For Developments with 11 to 20 Dwelling Units = 6.0 m2 per bachelor dwelling unit 10.0 m2 per 1-bedroom dwelling unit 15 m2 per dwelling unit with more than 1-bedroom .8 , .9

For Developments with greater than 20 Dwelling Units = 7.5 m2 per bachelor dwelling unit 15.0 m2 per 1-bedroom dwelling unit

25 m2 per dwelling unit with more than 1-bedroom .8 ,.9

Min. Roadway Widthn/aFor any lot abutting a Transit Supportive Corridor, Major Arterial road, or a road with an Active Transportation Corridor (as designated in the OCP) the minimum roadway width measured from the centre line of the adjacent highway to the property line must be at least half the highway width requirement as described in Table 2: Road Requirements within Subdivision, Development, and Servicing Bylaw No. 7900. If road width does not meet the minimum then a road dedication would be necessary.
Min. Riparian Management Arean/aFor any lot abutting a watercourse or a riparian area must have the Minimum Riparian Management Area (RMA), as described in Table 21.1 of the OCP, dedicated to the City. If the lot is abutting a trail identified in Map 10.1 of the OCP then five additional metres must be dedicated to the City for trail connections in addition to the minimum RMA.
Max. Net Floor Area for Secondary Suites90 m2
Max. Building Footprint per Accessory Buildings / Structures90 m2
Max. Building FrontageA continuous building frontage shall not exceed 100 m in length.
FOOTNOTES (Section 13.5):
.1 [Deleted]
.2 Side yards are not required for semi-detached housing or townhouses on a lot line that has a party wall agreement. For MF1 lots garages and carports can have a side yard setback of 1.2 metres when the lot has access to a rear or side lane. Any residential space on those MF1 lots above the garage or carport must meet the 1.8 m side yard setback.
.3 The minimum setback only for portions of commercial ground-oriented units are 2.0 metres. The minimum setback can be reduced to 2.0 metres only for the of ground-oriented residential units if all of the following criteria are met:
  1. The maximum height of the first storey floor above the adjacent curb level for ground-oriented residential units are 1.2 m. Height is measured from the grade at the sidewalk directly from a fronting publicly accessible street, walkway, open space, or applicable lot line. See example diagram Figure 5.12.
  2. The minimum net floor area for ground-oriented residential units on the first floor is 11 m2. See example diagram Figure 5.13.
  3. The abutting boulevard must have an installed sidewalk and irrigated landscape boulevard with street trees.

.4 For portions of a parkade with lane access which do not project more than 2.3 metres above finished grade, the rear yard setback for the parkade is 1.5 metres.
.5 The setback for a garage, a carport, or a parkade door that has direct access to the street shall have a 6 metres setback measured from back-of-curb or edge of road pavement, or edge of sidewalk to the building or 3.0 metres from lot line to the building (whichever is greater).
.6 Minimum building stepbacks apply only to buildings 5 storeys and taller. The stepback can occur on any floor above the second storey.
.7 If the property is abutting a Rural – Agricultural and Resource, Rural – Residential, or Suburban – Residential future land use designation as defined in the Official Community Plan then a 1.5 metres additional setback needs to be added to the minimums.
.8 Common and Private Amenity Space can be devoted to child care centres as long as the child care spaces have direct access to open space and play areas within the lot. The amount of Common and Private Amenity Space dedicated to child care spaces cannot be more than 50% of the total space required.
.9 A minimum of 4.0 m2 per dwelling unit of the common and private amenity space shall be configured as common area that is accessible to all residents and must not be located within the required setback areas. Common amenity space is not required for fee simple townhouses. For all apartment buildings, at least 75 m2 of the required portion of common area shall be configured indoors.
.10 In the MF1 zone, the garage footprint area shall not be considered building site coverage but does count towards the overall impermeable surface maximum site coverage.
.11 In the MF4 zone, if the development is 3 storeys or less then the MF1 Development Regulations apply and if the development is 4 storeys or greater than the MF3 Development Regulations apply.

13.6 Density and Height Development Regulations
Section 13.6 Density and Height Development Regulations
m = metres / m2 = square metres / FAR = floor area ratio / GFA = gross floor area
Min. Density for Lots fronting onto a Transit Supportive CorridorFor lots with a lane = 4.75 units per 1,000 m2 and a min. 1,050 m2  lot area .5, .8
For lots without a lane = 3.1 units per 1,000 m2 and a min. 1,600 m2  lot area .5, .8
Max. Base DensityMax. 6 dwelling units per lot1.0 FAR
See Underground Parking Base FAR Adjustments .6
For 4 storeys and below max. FAR = 1.3 .2
For 5 storeys and above max. FAR = 1.8 .2 
See Underground Parking Base FAR Adjustments .6
2.5 FAR
Max. Bonus Density for Public Amenity & Streetscape Bonusn/aAn additional 0.15 FAR .3An additional 0.25 FAR .3n/a
Max. Bonus Density for Rental or Affordable Housing Bonusn/aAn additional 0.3 FAR  .3An additional 0.3 FAR .3An additional 0.3 FAR .3
Max. Base Height11.0 m & 3 storeys11.0 m & 3 storeys18.0 m & 4 storeys
22.0 m / 6 storeys .1
22.0 m / 6 storeys
Max. Bonus Heightn/an/a

22.0 m & 6 storeys .3
44.0 m & 12 storeys .3 , .4

Max. Base Height for Buildings with Walkout BasementsFront or Flanking Yard Building Elevation9.0 m9.0 mn/an/a
Rear Building Elevation12.5 m12.5 mn/an/a
Max. Gross Floor Area of a Third (3rd) Storey relative to the Second (2nd ) Storey (this does not apply to Dwellings with Walkout Basements)


See Figure 5.11 for Example Diagram


If development is 4 storeys or greater than this regulation does not apply

If development is 3 storeys or less then 70%

See Figure 5.11 for Example Diagram

Max. Height for Accessory Buildings / Structures4.8 m4.8 m4.8 m4.8 m
FOOTNOTES (Section 13.6):
.1 If a parkade entrance / exit has a lower finished grade than the surrounding area then this portion of the parkade can be excluded from height calculations. The base height is 18.0 m & 4 storeys except the maximum base height is 22.0 m / 6 storeys if the subject property is fronting onto a Transit Supportive Corridor.
.2 The base FARs are derived from the base height regulation. Therefore, the base FARs remain constant even if an owner successfully applies for a Development Variance Permit to the base heights.
.3 These bonuses only apply to lots within the core area or within a village centre. The bonus density and bonus height provisions occur if the provisions of Section 6.8 Density Bonus are secured.
.4 The increase in height to 44.0 m and 12 storeys only applies in situations where: 
(a) lots are fronting a Provincial Highway; and
(b) lots are within 400 m of a transit stop and that transit stop must be located fronting onto a Provincial Highway or a major arterial road; and
 the abutting lots are not zoned A1, A2, RR1, or RR2; and
(d) lots are within the Core Area Neighbourhood Future Land Use Designations as outlined in the OCP.
.5 For the purpose of calculating minimum densities the amount of commercial area considered as a unit will be measured at one (1) unit per 125 m2 of commercial GFA.
.6 If eighty percent (80%) of the parking provided on-site is located underground (below finished grade) then the base FAR is increased by 0.25 FAR.
.7 For a carriage house with a roof slope ratio less than 3 in 12 the maximum height is increased to a maximum of 6.1 metres.
.8 The minimum density does not apply to MF1 zoned lots addressed on Cadder Avenue between Richter Street and Ethel Street.
13.7 Site Specific Regulations
Section 13.7 Site Specific Regulations
Uses and regulations apply on a site-specific basis as follows:
 Legal DescriptionCivic AddressRegulation
1.Lot A, District Lot 140, ODYD, Plan KAP581841915-1925 Enterprise WayThis property is permitted to have hotels as principal land use.
2.ODYD, Plan KAS33991132-1160 Bernard AveThis property is permitted to have 16 storeys in height.
3.Lot 1, Section 32, Township 26, ODYD, Plan KAP 91641530 Caramillo CrtThis property is permitted to have Apartment housing limited to 4 storeys.
4.Strata Plan of Lot 3 & Remainder Lot 3, Section 28, Township 26, ODYD, PLAN KAP74074 (See Posting Plan EPP 104511)777 Denali DriveThis property is permitted to have 3 storey apartment building on top of a two storey townhouse.
5.Lot B, Section 24, Township 28, Land District 54, Plan KAP30848, EXC EPT Plan KAP79047, EPP23768530 Quartz CrescentThis property is permitted to have Apartment housing limited to 3 storeys.
6.Lot 20 Section 32 Township 26 ODYD Plan KAP60008 Except Plans KAP77707, KAP87078 and KAP916411691 Cara Glen WayThe MF2 – Townhouse Housing portion of this property is permitted to have Apartment housing limited to 4 storeys.

920 Rutland Rd N

Notwithstanding Section 13.6 – Density and Height Development Regulations this property is permitted to have a 770 m2 lot area.