Pre-application Meetings
The primary objective of the pre-application meeting is to have a formal process for applicants to present their development proposal to Development Planning Staff and obtain feedback prior to making a formal application. While highly encouraged, it is a voluntary process. Information provided to applicants does not offer a commitment or decision by City staff to support or not-support a proposal.
What to expect
Pre-application meetings are intended for applications that are near formal submission, and would like to obtain more formal feedback from the City. Typically, pre-application meetings will involve review of a prepared set of drawings including a preliminary site plan, floor plans, and elevations. In addition to Development Planning, other departments such as Development Engineering will be circulated and in attendance when necessary.
The pre-application meeting is a venue to:
- Flag Zoning Bylaw issues like variances or interpretations;
- Form and Character comments from the 2040 Official Community Plan Design Guidelines;
- Information sharing for items like preliminary engineering comments, road dedications, linear corridors, policies applicable to the submission, additional reports or information required such as a pre-development tree inventory; and
- Any additional pertinent information.
For a meeting request please contact [email protected] or 250-469-8626
- Meeting is requested by applicant
- Meeting is scheduled into biweekly timeslot
- Pre-application meeting is held
- Meeting summary provided to applicant within 1 week
- Official application submission
Application Types
Major Pre-Application:
- Major Development Permit/Rezoning Applications
- Multi-Family (5 or more units)
- Commercial buildings
- Industrial (over 4500 m2 GFA or bordering residential)
- OCP Amendment Application
- Text Amendment Application
Minor Pre-Application:
- Minor Development Permit/Rezoning Application
- Infill Housing (four or less units)
- Industrial (less than 4500 m2 GFA)
- Development Variance Permit Application
- Major Agricultural Land Reserve Application (ex. Non-Farm Use Application)
- Heritage Alteration Permit
Fees (2024)
- Major Pre-Application Fee: $415.00
- Minor Pre-Application Fee: $250.00