Zoning Bylaw No. 12375

Section 10 - Agriculture & Rural Residential Zones

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Section 10 - Agriculture & Rural Residential Zones
10.1 Zone Purposes
Section 10.1 Zone Purposes
A1 - AgricultureThe purpose is to provide a zone for Agricultural Land Reserve parcels that permit agricultural uses and other complementary uses suitable in an agricultural setting.
A2 – Agriculture / Rural ResidentialThe purpose is to provide a zone that allows for rural residential and agricultural land uses outside the Agricultural Land Reserve.
RR1 – Large Lot Rural ResidentialThe purpose is to provide a zone for country residential development on larger lots that permit more rural land uses, minor agricultural, and a holding zone where future development could occur subject to the direction of the Official Community Plan.
RR2 – Small Lot Rural ResidentialThe purpose is to provide a zone for country residential development on smaller lots, and complementary uses, in areas of high natural amenity and limited urban services.
10.2 Sub-Zones
Section 10.2 Sub-Zones
A1 - Agriculturen/an/a
A2 – Agriculture / Rural Residentialn/an/a
RR1 – Large Lot Rural ResidentialRR1cc – Large Lot Rural Residential with Child Care Centre, MajorThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone for RR1 lots to allow child care centre, major on a case-by-case basis were supported by OCP policy.
RR2 – Small Lot Rural ResidentialRR2cc – Small Lot Rural Residential with Child Care Centre, MajorThe purpose is to provide a sub-zone for RR2 lots to allow child care centre, major on a case-by-case basis were supported by OCP policy.
10.3 Permitted Land uses
Section 10.3 Permitted Land Uses
('P' = Principal Use, 'S' = Secondary Use, '-' = Not Permitted)
Accessory Buildings or StructuresSSSS
Agriculture, UrbanPPPP
Agriculture, Intensive .10P---
Agricultural Tourism .10SS--
Alcohol Production Facility .10S---
Animal Clinics, MajorPS .5S .5-
Animal Clinics, MinorPSS-
Bed and Breakfast HomesS .12S .12S .12S .12
Cannabis Cultivation .10P---
Carriage HouseS .8S .8S .8S .8
Child Care Centre, Major--P .1P .1
Child Care Centre, MinorSSSS
Farm Retail Sales Stands .10S---
Greenhouses and Plant NurseriesP .4P .4P .4-
Group Home-PPP
Home-Based Business, MajorSSSS
Home-Based Business, MinorSSSS
Home-Based Business, RuralS .9S .9S .9-
KennelsP .5P .5P .5-
Mobile HomeP .6---
On-Farm Processing of Cannabis .10S---
On-Farm Processing .10S---
Secondary SuiteS .3S .3S .3S .3
Single Detached DwellingP .13P .13P .13.13
StablesPP .5--
Temporary Farm Worker Housing (TFWH) .10S .7S .7--

FOOTNOTES (Section 10.3):
.1 The lot must have a child care sub-zone ‘cc’ on the property for a child care centre, major to be permitted.
.2 [Deleted]
.3 Secondary suites must be on a lot serviced with community water.
.4 Greenhouses and plant nurseries may include the accessory sale of landscaping and gardening non-farm products provided that this accessory use is limited to 150 m2 on the lot.
.5 Minimum lot area for animal clinics, major, kennels, and stables (stables only in the A2 zone) is 20,000 m2.
.6 Maximum one single detached dwelling or mobile home per lot.
.7 Existing structure with a building permit that was approved at least two (2) years prior to TFWH application, can be converted into TFWH, on the parcel within the farm unit. New TFWH must be in temporary structures on non-permanent foundations, such that it is designed to be removed by a truck or vehicle. Concrete pads or foundations are not permitted. 
.8 Carriage houses must be on a lot serviced with community sanitary sewer and community water, except, carriage houses are permitted on lots without community sanitary sewer services if the lot area is at least 10,000 m2. Mobile homes may be used as carriage houses in the A1 zone.
.9 All home-based business, rural must have a minimum lot area as described in Section 9.2 Home-based businesses.

.10 Other legislation like the Agricultural Land Commission Act applies and may limit land uses
.11 [Deleted]
.12 A bed & breakfast can only occur if there is only one dwelling unit on the lot.
.13 Maximum of one Single Detached Dwelling unit is permitted per lot, except on A1 zoned ALR land when another residence is permitted within the Agriculture Land Reserve as described in the Agricultural Land Commission Act (and related regulation and policy).

10.4 Subdivision Regulations
Section 10.4 Subdivision Regulations
m = metres / m2 = square metres
Min Lot Width40.0 m40.0 m36.0 m18.0 m except it is 20.0 m for a corner lot
Min Lot Depthn/an/a30.0 m30.0 m
Min Lot AreaNo Sewer Lots40,000 m2300,000 m240,000 m210,000 m2
Sewer Lots40,000 m240,000 m28,000 m21,600 m2
Both Sewer Lots and Lots without SewerEach lot shall have a minimum building envelope area of 150 m2.
10.5 A1 Agricultural and Development Regulations
10.5 A1 Agricultural and Development Regulations
m = metres / m2 = square metres
Agricultural Facilities, Building & StructuresMax. Site Coverage of all Buildings, Structures, & Impermeable Surfaces .5Max. Gross Floor Area .5Min. Front & Flanking Side Yard SetbackMin. Side Yard SetbackMin. Rear Yard SetbackMin. ALR Interface Setback .4Max. Height
Non-Agricultural Accessory Buildings or Structures35%130 m2 per building .16.0 m3.0 m3.0 mn/a6.0 m
Apiculture: Bee Hive; Honey House35%n/a7.5 m7.5 m7.5 mn/an/a
Agricultural Liquid or Solid Waste Storage (field storage)35%n/a30.0 m30.0 m30.0 m100.0 mn/a
Agricultural Structures35%n/a4.5 m3.0 m3.0 mn/a16.0 m
Alcohol Production Facility including Tasting Rooms and Lounges35%n/a6.0 m6.0 m .910.0 m .9n/a10.0 m
Carriage House35%90 m2  .16.0 m3.0 m10.0 mn/a5.4 m
Compost Storage, On-Farm Composting, and Composting Materials (non-manure storage)35%n/a15.0 m15.0 m15.0 m100.0 m16.0 m
Chemical Storage35%n/a7.5 m7.5 m7.5 mn/a16.0 m
Confined Livestock Areas35%n/a15.0 m .315.0 m .315.0 m .3100.0 m .716.0 m
Crop Storage (output storage for the farm)35%n/a6.0 m3.0 m3.0 m15.0 m16.0 m
Farm Retail Sales Stands35%300 m2 .27.5 m4.5 m4.5 mn/a6.0 m
Feed Mill, Feed Storage, Silage Storage (i.e., input storage for the farm)35%n/a6.0 m3.0 m3.0 m60.0 m16.0 m
Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries .835% .6n/a6.0 m3.0 m3.0 m15.0 m16.0 m
Incinerators35%n/a30.0 m30.0 m30.0 m100.0 mn/a
Kennels35%500 m.1015.0 m15.0 m15.0 mn/a10.0 m
Livestock and Poultry Housing35%n/a15.0 m .315.0 m .315.0 m .3100.0 m16.0 m
Mushroom Barns and/or Mushroom Processing Facility35%n/a15.0 m7.5 m7.5 m30.0 m16.0 m
On-Farm Processing35%n/a6.0 m3.0 m3.0 mn/a16.0 m
On-Farm Processing of Cannabis35%n/a6.0 m3.0 m3.0 m100 m16.0 m
Secondary Suite35%90 m2n/an/an/an/an/a
Single Detached Housing35%500 m2  .16.0 m3.0 m10.0 mn/a10.0 m
Stables35%n/a15.0 m15.0 m15.0 mn/a16.0 m
FOOTNOTES (Section 10.5):
.1 For any lot 8,000 m2 or greater in lot area, a residential footprint must be registered on title for any residential development triggered by a Farm Protection Development Permit. The maximum residential footprint is 2,000 m2.  A second residential footprint up to 1,000 m2 may be registered for carriage houses. The maximum gross floor area for a carriage house on any lot 40,000m2 or larger is 186 m2.

.2 Farm retail sales stands, selling only produce grown on the site or another site operated by the same producer do not have a maximum area. If non-farm products are being sold, then the total area, both indoors and outdoors, used for retail sales of all products must not exceed 300 m2 and at least 50 per cent of the retail sales area must be for the sale of farm products produced on the farm.
.3 The setback is increased to 30 m when the lot is  abutting: a rural residential zone, a single & two dwelling zone, a commercial zone, a village centre zone, a core area zone, or an urban centre zone.
.4 ALR interface is the perimeter border of the ALR including all satellite areas. The ALR interface is measured from the lot line on the farm side of the subject property.
.5 Other legislation like the Agricultural Land Commission Act (and related regulation and policy) regulate gross floor area and site coverage. 
.6 For greenhouses and plant nurseries designed with a closed wastewater and storm water management systems then the site coverage may be increased to 75%. 
.7 Except horse paddocks, which can be setback 15 m. 
.8 These setbacks apply to cannabis cultivation if grown in a greenhouse. 
.9 Outdoor crush pads must be setback 15 m from lot line. 
.10 The maximum building footprint for kennels is 250 m2.
10.6 Development Regulations
Section 10.6 Development Regulations
m = metres / m2 = square metres
Regulations that apply to all Buildings, Structures, and Uses
Max. Site Coverage of all Buildings20% .4  except 30% when lot is less than 8,000 m220% .4 except 30% when lot is less than 8,000 m230%
Max. Site Coverage of all Buildings, Structures, and Impermeable Surfaces35% .440% .4 except 50% when lot is less than 8,000 m260%
Max. Height for Agricultural Structures16.0 m16.0 mn/a
Min. Setbacks & Max. Gross Floor Area for any Agriculture Facility, Building, or StructureAll Setbacks for any agriculture facility, building, or structure shall follow the minimum setbacks and maximum gross floor area listed in Section 10.5 (except from the ALR interface). Animal clinics shall follow the minimum setbacks (except from the ALR interface) and maximum height as stated for kennels listed in Section 10.5.
Regulations that apply to all Principal Dwellings, Non-Agricultural Principal Use Buildings, and Non-Agricultural Principal Use Structures
Max. Height10.0 m10.0 m10.0
Max. Height for Buildings with Walkout Basements .4Front or Flanking Yard8.6 m8.6 m8.6 m
Rear Building Elevation12.5 m .312.5 m .312.5 m .3
Max. Gross Floor Area of a Third (3rd) Storey relative to the Second (2nd) Storey (this does not apply to Dwellings with Walkout Basements)70%
See example diagram Figure 5.11
See example diagram Figure 5.11
See example diagram Figure 5.11
Min. Front Yard Setback6.0 m6.0 m6.0 m
Min. Front Yard or Flanking Yard Setback for any Attached Garage or Carport6.0 m .56.0 m .56.0 m .5
Min. Flanking Yard Setback4.5 m4.5 m4.5 m
Min. Side Yard Setback3.0 m3.0 m2.1 m .1
Min. Rear Yard setback10.0 m9.0 m7.5 m or 4.5 m on wide lots .1
Regulations that apply to Carriage Houses, Accessory Buildings or Structures, and Secondary Suites
Max. Height for Carriage Houses5.7 m.65.7 m.65.7 m.6
Max. Height for Accessory Buildings or Structures4.8 m4.8 m4.8 m
Min. Front Yard Setback12.0 m12.0 m12.0 m
Min. Front Yard Setback for Double Fronting Lots6.0 m .56.0 m .56.0 m .5
Min. Flanking Yard Setback6.0 m6.0 m6.0 m
Min. Side Yard Setback1.5 m1.5 m1.5 m
Min. Rear Yard setback3.0 m3.0 m1.5 m .2
Max. Net Floor Area for Single (1) Storey Carriage Houses100 m2100 m2100 m2
Max. Net Floor Area for Two (2) Storey Carriage Houses90 m290 m290 m2
Max. Upper Storey Gross Floor Area for Two (2) Storey Carriage Houses70% of the carriage house footprint area
See example diagram Figure 5.9
70% of the carriage house footprint area
See example diagram Figure 5.9
70% of the carriage house footprint area
See example diagram Figure 5.9
Max. Net Floor Area for Secondary Suites90 m290 m290 m2
Max. Building Footprint per Accessory Building or Structuren/a90 m290 m2

FOOTNOTES (Section 10.6):
.1 Where the lot width exceeds the lot depth, the minimum rear yard is 4.5 m provided that one side yard shall have a minimum width of 4.5 m.
.2 When the rear yard is abutting a lane, the minimum rear yard setback is 0.9 m.
.3 The height for the lowest floor or walkout basements at the rear elevation cannot exceed 3.6 m measured from finished grade to the top of the finished floor above the slab.
.4 For greenhouses and plant nurseries designed with a closed wastewater and storm water management systems then the site coverage may be increased to 75%.
.5 Setback shall be measured from edge of sidewalk closest to lot line. In situations without a sidewalk the setback shall be measured from the back of curb or edge of street (where pavement ends). However, the minimum setback from the lot line is 3.0 m. 
.6 For a carriage house with a roof slope ratio less than 3 in 12 the maximum height is increased to a maximum of 6.1 metres.

10.7 Site Specific Regulations
Section 10.7 Site Specific Regulations
Uses and regulations apply on a site-specific basis as follows:
 Legal DescriptionCivic AddressRegulation
1.Lot 1 Section 16 Township 26 ODYD Plan KAP712282605 O’Reilly RdTo allow for an animal clinic, major to be placed on a lot less than 20,000 m2.
2.Lot A, Section 24, Township 26, ODYD, Plan EPP714700 Hwy 33 EFood Primary Establishment
The existing cafe is subject to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Resolution #101/2014 for application #53542 which approved this non-farm use subject to the following condition:
The Cafe facility is limited to current size being 25.3 m2 (272 ft2) indoor and 34.6 m2 (372 ft2) outdoor and that there be submission of notification or an application to the ALC should there be plans in the future for any significant changes or plans to expand the current footprint.
3.Lot A Sections 7 and 8 Township 23 ODYD Plan KAP88538380 Lochview Road

Notwithstanding, Section 9.3 Bed & Breakfast Homes, Section 10.3 Permitted Land Uses and Section 10.6 Development Regulations for Accessory Buildings, the following uses and regulations are permitted: 

  • Agriculture;
  • Alcohol Production Facility, where onsite sales of alcohol can only be purchased by bed & breakfast guests;
  • Food Primary Establishments; Liquor Primary Establishments; Participant Recreation Services, Indoor; Participant Recreation Services, Outdoor; Personal Services Establishments, all for the bed & breakfast guests only;
  • A maximum of 8 sleeping units, with a maximum of two people in each sleeping unit;
  • One accessory building may have two of the eight sleeping units and two-full sized bathrooms. No cooking facilities permitted;
  • Only one reservation (on a temporary basis of less than 30 days) for any of the sleeping units is permitted at any given time.
4.Lot 35 Section 16 Township 26 ODYD Plan 241822261-2265 James RdPermits the use of a Carriage House on a lot smaller then 10,000 m2.