Zoning Bylaw No. 12375

Section 14.9 - Principal & Secondary Uses in Core Area & Other Zones

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March 10, 2025
Zoning Bylaw - Section 14.9 - Permitted Land Use in Core Area and other zones section header image
Section 14.9 - Principal & Secondary Uses in Core Area & Other Zones
14.9 Principal & Secondary Land Uses
Section 14.9 Principal and Secondary Land Uses
('P' = Principal Use, 'S' = Secondary Use, '-' = Not Permitted)
1Accessory Buildings or StructuresSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
2Agriculture, UrbanSSSSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPSn/an/a
3Alcohol Production Facility-P .1P .1P .1P .1P .1P .1P .1P .1P .1P .1P .1---------
4Animal Clinics, Major-PPPPPPPPPPP---------
5Animal Clinics, MinorPPPPPPPPPPPP---------
6Apartment HousingP .6P .6PPPPPPP----SS------
7Auctioneering Establishments-P--------P----------
8Automotive & Equipment-P--------P----------
9Automotive & Equipment, Industrial----------PP---------
10Boat Launches--------------------P
11Boat Storage---S .13-----PP----------
12Bulk Fuel Depot----------PP---------
13Cannabis Production Facilities---------PPP---------
15Child Care Centre, MajorPPPPPPPPPP---PPS-SS--
16Child Care Centre, MinorSSSSSSSSS------------
17Commercial Storage-P-------PP----------
18Concrete and Asphalt Plants-----------PS--------
19Cultural and Recreation ServicesPPPPPPPPPP---PPS-S---
20Detention and Correction Services-------------P-------
21Docks-------------------P .2P
22Drive Throughs-P .14P .14P .14P .14P .14P .14P .14P .14------------
23Education Services-PPPPPPPP-----P---S--
24Emergency and Protective ServicesPPPPPPPPPPP--PP-PSS--
25Exhibition and Convention Facilities----PPPPP----P-------
26Fleet Services-P--------P----------
27Food Primary EstablishmentP .5PPPPPPPPP .5P .5--PSP-SS .7-S .5
28Gaming Facilities----P .8P .8---------------
29Gas BarsP .12P .12-P .12P .12P .12P .12P .12P .12-P .12----------
30General Industrial Use---------PPP---------
31Greenhouses and Plant NurseriesPP-------------------
32Group Home---------------------
33Health ServicesPPPPPPPPP----PP--S .3---
34Home-Based Business, Major--S .10S .10S .10S .10S .10S .10S .10------------
35Home-Based Business, Minor--SSSSSSS------------
37Hotels /  Motels-PPPPPPPP------------
38Liquor Primary EstablishmentP .4 , .5P .4P .4P .4P .4P .4P .4P .4P .4P .5P .5--S .4-S .4-S .4--S .4 , .5
40Moorage, Permanent--------------------P
41Moorage, Temporary-------------------SS
42Natural Resource Extraction------------P--------
43Non-Accessory Parking-PPPPPPPP-P--P---S---
44OfficesP .6P .6PSPPPPP---S--------
45Outdoor Storage----------PPS---S----
47Participant Recreation Services, IndoorPPPPPPPPPPP--PSS-S---
48Participant Recreation Services, Outdoor---P----------SPSS---
49Personal Service EstablishmentsPPPPPPPPP------------
50Professional ServicesPPPPPPPPP------------
51Recreational Water Activities-------------------PP
52Recycling Depots----------PP---------
53Recycling Drop-OffsPPPPPPPPPPP--PP------
54Recycling Plants-----------PS--------
55Religious AssembliesPPPPPPPPP----PP------
56Residential Security/Operator UnitSS-------SSSS-SS-S---
57RetailPPPPPPPPP----S-S-S .3S-S .5
58Retail Cannabis SalesP .9P .9P .9P .9P .9P .9P .9P .9P .9S .9S .9----------
59Secondary Suite----S .15S.15S.15S.15S.15------------
60Single Detached Housing----PPPPP------------
61Spectator Sports Establishments----PPPP-----P---S---
62Stacked Townhouses--PPP .11P .11P .11P .11P .11------------
63Temporary Shelter Services-PPPPP P P P -P--PP--S---
65Utility Services, Infrastructure-----------PP---P----
67Wrecking Yards-----------P---------

FOOTNOTES (Section 14.9):
.1 In the commercial, village centre, and urban centre zones the total area for manufacturing shall be limited to a maximum of 275 m2 per lot. In the industrial zones, there is no manufacturing gross floor area limit. In the I1, I2, and I3 zones, the maximum floor area for tasting, serving, and consumption of alcohol shall not exceed 235 m2 in gross floor area per lot. If the lot is fronting onto Richter Street, Clement Avenue, Vaughan Avenue, or Baillie Avenue then there is no floor limit for tasting, serving, and consumption of alcohol.
.2 Docks can only be used for private purposes and cannot be used as a communal docking facility utilized for remuneration.
.3 Health services and retail shall be limited to those types of uses and services incidental to a major sports and recreation facilities. Health services and retail shall be located within a building primary used for district park, participant recreation services indoor, and/or spectator sports establishments. Retail shall not exceed 235 m2 or 5% of the gross floor area of the building which it is located (whichever is less). Health services shall not exceed 500 m2.
.4 Liquor primary establishments must hold a Liquor Primary Licence.
.5 Retail, food primary establishment, liquor primary establishments shall not exceed 235 m2 in gross floor area (e.g. neighbourhood pubs) per lot. If the lot is fronting onto Richter Street, Clement Avenue, Baillie Avenue, or Vaughan Avenue then any food primary establishment can exceed the 235 m2 gross floor area limit.
.6 Offices are intended to be a minor component within the zone. Offices and Apartment Housing are limited to above the first floor. Offices and Apartment Housing cannot occur on the ground floor.
.7 Food primary establishment shall be limited to a maximum 465 m2 GFA. Retail shall be limited to a maximum 465 m2 GFA and no more than 50 m2 of GFA for any individual tenant space.
.8 Gaming facilities must have ‘gg’ Gaming and Gambling sub-zoning on the property.
.9 Retail cannabis sales must have ‘rcs’ Retail Cannabis Sales sub-zoning on the property.
.10 Home-based business, major is only permitted within ground-oriented units fronting Transit Supportive Corridors, ground-oriented units within urban centres, ground-oriented units within village centres, or within single detached housing.
.11 Townhouses and stacked townhouses are only permitted on fronting streets classified as mixed residential street, residential street, or mixed streets as defined in the City of Kelowna’s Official Community Plan (e.g. Map 4.2, Map 4.4, Map 4.6, Map 4.8, & Map 4.9).
.12 Within an Urban Centre or a Village Centre zone a gas bar must have the ‘fg’ sub-zoning on the property to be permitted. All gas bars are only permitted if an alternative fuel infrastructure is provided on the same lot.
.13 Boat Storage is only permitted with the Cook / Lakeshore Village Centre.
.14 Drive Throughs must have ‘dt’ Drive Through sub-zoning on the property. See Section 9.4 for specific drive through related regulations.
.15 Secondary suites are only permitted within Single Detached Housing and Townhouses. The maximum net floor area of a Secondary Suite is 90 m2.