Zoning Bylaw No. 12375
Section 15.3 - CD17 - High Density Mixed Use Commercial
Last Updated:
January 22, 2024

Section 15.3 CD17 - High Density Mixed Use Commercial
15.3.1 Zone Purpose
Section 15.3.1 Zone Purpose | |
Zone | Purpose |
CD17 – High Density Mixed Use Commercial | The purpose is to provide a zone for existing large scale mixed-use commercial / residential developments in the Core Area but outside Urban Centres. This zone is intended to capture lots that have already been constructed prior to the adoption of this bylaw in which the densities and scale of development is generally beyond those recommended by policies outlined in the 2040 Official Community Plan. |
15.3.2 Sub-Zone Purposes
Section 15.3.2 Sub-Zone Purposes | ||
Zone | Sub-Zone | Purpose |
CD17 – High Density Mixed Use Commercial | CD17 – High Density Mixed Use Commercial (rcs) – Retail Cannabis Sales | The purpose is to provide a sub-zone that restricts where Retail Cannabis Sales can operate. |
15.3.3 CD17 Permitted Land Uses
Section 15.3.3 CD17 Permitted Land Uses | |||||
Uses | ('P' = Principal Use, 'S' = Secondary Use, '-' = Not Permitted) | ||||
Accessory Buildings or Structures | S | ||||
Agriculture, Urban | S | ||||
Apartment Housing | P | ||||
Child Care Centre, Major | S | ||||
Child Care Centre, Minor | S | ||||
Cultural and Recreation Services | S | ||||
Education Services | P | ||||
Food Primary Establishment | S .1 | ||||
Health Services | S.1 | ||||
Home-Based Business, Minor | S | ||||
Hotels / Motels | P | ||||
Liquor Primary Establishment | S .1 | ||||
Non-Accessory Parking | P | ||||
Offices | P | ||||
Participant Recreation Services, Indoor | S | ||||
Personal Service Establishments | S .1 | ||||
Professional Services | S .1 | ||||
Retail | S .1 | ||||
Stacked Townhouses | P .2 | ||||
Townhouses | P .2 | ||||
FOOTNOTES (Section 15.3.3): .1 Commercial land uses are not permitted above the first storey. .2 Townhouses and/or stacked townhouses are only permitted if the majority of the residential dwelling units are in the form of apartment housing. |
15.3.4 CD17 Subdivision Regulations
Section 15.3.4 CD17 Subdivision Regulations m = metres / m2 = square metres | |||||||||
Min. Lot Width | 30.0 m | ||||||||
Min. Lot Area | 1,700 m2 | ||||||||
Min. Lot Depth | 35.0 m | ||||||||
15.3.5 CD17 Development Regulations
Section 15.3.5 CD17 Development Regulations m = metres / m2 = square metres | ||||||
Max. FAR | 2.0 | |||||
Max. Height | 16 storeys and 55.0 m | |||||
Max. Site Coverage of all Buildings | 65% | |||||
Max. Site Coverage of all Buildings, Structures, and Impermeable Surfaces | 85% | |||||
Min. Front Yard & Flanking Side Yard setback for Ground-Oriented units | 2.0 m | |||||
Min. Front Yard & Flanking Side Yard setback for all Buildings | 6.0 m .2 | |||||
Min. Side Yard setback for all Buildings | 4.5 m | |||||
Min. Rear Yard setback for all Buildings | 7.0 m except 4.5 m from a rear lane .1 and 4.5 m for accessory buildings or structures | |||||
Min. Common and Private Amenity Space | 6.0 m2 per bachelor dwelling unit | |||||
Tall building regulations | For tower and podium regulations see Section 9.11. | |||||
Vehicular access | Where a lot has access to a lane, vehicular access is only permitted from the lane. If a lot does not have access to a lane then access will come from the street according to the City of Kelowna’s Subdivision and Servicing Bylaw 7900. | |||||
FOOTNOTES (Section 15.3.5): .1 For portions of a parkade with lane access which do not project more than 2.3 m above finished grade, the rear yard setback is 1.5 m. .2 The setback for a garage, a carport, or a parkade door that has direct access to the street shall have a 6 m setback measured from back-of-curb or edge of road pavement, or edge of sidewalk or 4.5 m from lot line (whichever is greater). .3 A minimum of 4.0 m2 per dwelling unit of the Common and Private Amenity Space shall be configured as common area that is accessible to all residents and must not be located within the required setback areas. Common and Private Amenity Space can be devoted to child care centres as long as the child care spaces have direct access to open space and play areas within the lot. The amount of Common and Private Amenity Space dedicated to child care spaces cannot be more than 50% of the total space required. |