Soil deposit/removal permits

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Know your role in protecting BC's archaeological sites. If you are planning on developing your property, please review our City of Kelowna Bulletin on Archaeological Sites. Feel free to visit the Province of BC's Archaeology Branch website and review the Provincial Property Owner Brochure to learn your responsibilities as a property owner.

Bulletin - Archaeological Sites

The Soil Deposit Bylaw 9612 regulates removal and/or deposit of soil (including sand, gravel, and rock) on land within Kelowna. Owners must obtain a permit before removing or depositing any soil from their property. In highly sensitive areas environmental or geotechnical reporting may be required.

Apply for a permit

To apply for a permit, fill out a Soil Deposit or Removal Application Form and include full details of the soil deposit/removal, including location of fill, site grading and drainage. Forms should be submitted to the Application Centre on the 2nd floor of City Hall. For up to date fees please refer to our Development Application Fees Bylaw.

Click the link to learn more about Earthworks Noise and Vibration Regulations

The following list of activities are exempt from the requirement for a soil application permit:

  • valid nursery operations
  • golf courses
  • road and utility corridor maintenance
  • other soil deposit/removal activities that are addressed through another current development process (e.g. development permit, subdivision, or building permit)
  • involves the movement of existing soil within the boundaries of a single legal parcel
  • involves less than 50 cubic metres of soil per parcel of land per calendar year
  • occurs on a highway right-of-way, future highway or forest service road as is necessary for the construction or maintenance of the highway

Disposal: Any soil from an industrial process (sandblast grit, cement returns, etc.), environmental spill or a contaminated site may be accepted at the Glenmore Landfill, but must go through the Contaminated Soil Permit process

Any person or business that does not comply with this bylaw or Permit conditions shall be liable to a penalty up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for each offence. Businesses that are considered to be repeat offenders will have their business license to operate within the City of Kelowna reviewed and potentially suspended.