Plumbing & heating permits
Please apply for Plumbing and Heating permits at the Application Centre located on the second floor at City Hall.
Plumbing & gas permits for residential work, are typically issued the same day. Permits for multi-family, commercial and industrial properties require further review by inspectors. These permits may require drawings to be submitted to the mechanical plan checker.
Permit fees vary according to the number of fixtures and appliances, and the length of the piping required.
The Building & Permitting Branch will not inspect any work not covered by a valid permit. The submission of an application does not constitute a valid permit. The application must be reviewed and issued by the appropriate inspector.
Failure to call for inspection and covering work not inspected are offenses under the Plumbing Bylaw and Gas Safety Regulations.
Contractors may contact the Development Services Department for the fitter tag template at [email protected]
BCBC energy efficiency requirements for a single family dwelling
Effective December 19, 2014 all building permit applications must address the requirements of Section 9.36 Energy Efficiency of the BC Building Code (BCBC). These changes will require additional information at time of permit application. Upon submission it will be necessary to outline:
- proposed heating/cooling systems
- building ventilation as per 9.32 (is a heat recovery ventilator being used HRV)
- location and type of air barrier and vapour barrier
- detailed wall/ceiling/floor assemblies including Effective Insulation Values of all components
- "U" ratings of proposed windows and doors
Previously the BCBC has relied on nominal insulation values when considering building insulation. Section 9.36 will change this requirement to Effective Thermal Resistance (ETR). To achieve the required rating the entire cross-section of the wall/floor/ceiling will be used to calculate the RSI or R value. Each component of an assembly carries a rating (see attached table "Thermal Resistance Values of Common Building Materials"). There are now three available options that can be used to attain the necessary compliance. Applicants can follow the prescriptive requirements of Section 9.36, follow the prescriptive requirements of Section 9.36 and use simple tradeoffs as outlined in Article or supply performance models completed by a Certified Energy Advisor (CEA). A list of CEA are available on the Canadian Home Builders Association website.