Zoning Bylaw No. 12375

Sections 8.3 & 8.4 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements

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Sections 8.3 & 8.4 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
8.3 Required Off-Street Parking Requirements
Table 8.3 - Required Residential Off-Street Parking Requirements 
Location of Residential Development
Required Parking by Unit TypeVisitor Parking Required .1 , .2
Studio Units1 – bedroom Units2 – bedroom Units3 – bedroom or more Units

Dwelling Units within an Urban Centre Zone .5 , .8

Min 0.8 spaces &  Max 1.25 spaces per studioMin 0.9 spaces & Max 1.25 spaces per 1 bedroomMin 1.0 space & Max 1.5 spaces per 2 bedroomMin 1.0 space & Max 1.5 spaces per 3 bedroomMin 0.14 spaces & Max 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling Units within a Village Centre ZoneMin 0.9 spaces .12 &  Max 1.25 spaces per studioMin 1.0 space .12 & Max 1.25 spaces per 1 bedroomMin 1.1 spaces .12 & Max 1.6 spaces per 2 bedroomMin 1.4 spaces .12 & Max 2.0 spaces per 3 bedroomMin 0.14 spaces & Max 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling Units within the MF1 Zone .8Min 1.0 space  &  Max 1.5 spaces per studio .10Min 1.0 space  & Max 1.5 spaces per 1 bedroom .10Min 1.0 space & Max 1.5 spaces per 2 bedroom .10Min 1.0 space & Max 2.0 spaces per 3 bedroom .10n/a
Dwelling Units for lots fronting a Transit Supportive Corridor   .8 , .9Min 0.9 spaces .12 &  Max 1.25 spaces per studioMin 1.0 space .12 & Max 1.25 spaces per 1 bedroomMin 1.1 spaces .12 & Max 1.6 spaces per 2 bedroomMin 1.4 spaces .12 & Max 2.0 spaces per 3 bedroomMin 0.14 spaces & Max 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling Units for lots within the Core Area .8 , .9Min 1.0 space .12 &  Max 1.25 spaces per studioMin 1.2 spaces .12 & Max 1.6 spaces per 1 bedroomMin 1.4 spaces .12 & Max 2.0 spaces per 2 bedroomMin 1.6 spaces .12 & Max 2.2 spaces per 3 bedroomMin 0.14 spaces & Max 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling Units for lots outside the Core Area with 4 0r less dwelling unitsMin 1.25 space  &  Max 1.5 spaces per studio .10Min 1.25 space  & Max 1.5 spaces per 1 bedroom .10Min 1.25 space & Max 1.5 spaces per 2 bedroom .10Min 1.25 space & Max 2.0 spaces per 3 bedroom .10n/a
Dwelling Units for lots outside the Core Area with 5 or more dwelling unitsMin 1.0 space .12 &  Max 1.25 spaces per studio .10Min 1.25 spaces .12 & Max 1.6 spaces per 1 bedroom .10Min 1.5 spaces .12 & Max 2.0 spaces per 2 bedroom .10Min 2.0 spaces .12 & Max 2.6 spaces per 3 bedroom .10Min 0.14 spaces & Max 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling Units within A1, A2, RR1, & RR2 ZonesMin 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit .12 &  Max is n/a

Min 0.0 .13 spaces &
Max n/a

Dwelling Units within the CD20 Zone

Min 1.0 space per dwelling unit, except 0.15 spaces per student only residences
Max 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit

Min 0.14 spaces .11  & Max 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling Units within the CD22 zoneMin 0.75 spaces &  Max 1.0 space per studioMin 0.9 spaces &  Max 1.25 spaces per 1 bedroomMin 1.0 space &  Max 1.6 spaces per 2 bedroomMin 1.1 spaces &  Max 2.0 spaces per 3 bedroomMin 0.14 spaces & Max 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling Units within the CD26 zoneMin 1.0 space &  Max 1.5 space per studioMin 1.0 space &  Max 1.5 spaces per 1 bedroomMin 1.0 space &  Max 1.5 spaces per 2 bedroomMin 1.0 space &  Max 1.5 spaces per 3 bedroomMin 0.14 spaces & Max 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit
Congregate Housing, Group Homes, & Supportive Housing .8

Min 0.35 spaces per sleeping unit; Plus a Min 0.5 spaces per non-resident on-duty employee or a Min of 3.0 spaces (whichever is greater) &
Max 2.0 spaces per sleeping unit

Min 0.14 spaces & Max 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit

FOOTNOTES (Table 8.3):
.1 Visitor parking is to be easily accessible to the access points of the corresponding development and/or buildings. Visitor parking is a separate minimum parking requirement that rounds up or down independent of the basic parking requirement.
.2 Regardless of the parking rate (spaces per unit). The minimum number of dwelling units when the first visitor parking space is required is seven (7) dwelling units. For example, a lot with six (6) dwelling units does not require a visitor parking space.
.3 [Deleted] 
.4 [Deleted]
.5 All lots in the areas identified as 3 storeys in Map 4.1 within the OCP (UC1 Downtown) shall not be required to meet any vehicle parking space requirements if the height of the buildings on the lot are 4 storeys or less and 15.0 metres or less.

.6 [Deleted]
.7 [Deleted]
.8 Lots in a Transit Oriented Area (identified in Map 8.3.a , Map 8.3.b , Map 8.3.c , and Map 8.3.d) have no minimum residential parking requirement. However, there is a minimum number of accessible parking spaces required in all new developments (See Section 8.2.17 Accessible Parking Standards).
.9 This category does not apply to any lots that are zoned MF1, UC1, UC2, UC3,UC4, UC5, or VC1.
.10 There is no maximum when a lot contains two or fewer dwelling units.
.11 The minimum visitor parking is 0.05 spaces per student only residences.
.12 Except secondary suites and carriage houses only require 1.0 space per dwelling unit
.13 Within a residential strata with five or more dwelling units the visitor parking requirement is 0.14 spaces per dwelling unit.

Table 8.3.1 - Other Residential Parking
GFA = gross floor area
m2 = square meters
Land Use / Type of DevelopmentBase Parking RequirementVisitor Parking Requirement .1
Bed and Breakfast Homes1.0 space per sleeping unit1.5 spaces per sleeping unitn/a
Boarding or Lodging Houses1.0 space; plus 0.9 spaces per sleeping unit1.5 space; plus 2.0 spaces per sleeping unitn/a
Child Care Centre, Major1.0 space per 11 children of capacityn/an/a
Child Care Centre, Minor1.0 spacen/an/a
Home-Based Business, Major1.0 space2.0 spacesn/a
Home-Based Business, Major for Health Services on lots located on Royal Avenue or Christleton Avenue2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GFA,5.0 spaces per 100 m2 GFAn/a
Home-Based Business, Minorn/an/an/a
Home-Based Business, Rural1.0 spacen/an/a
FOOTNOTES (Table 8.3.1):
.1 Visitor parking is to be easily accessible to the access points of the corresponding development and/or buildings. Visitor parking is a separate minimum parking requirement that rounds up or down independent of the basic parking requirement.
.2 [Deleted]
.3 [Deleted]
Table 8.3.2 Commercial
m2 = square metres / 
GFA = gross floor area
Land Use / Type of DevelopmentParking Requirement

All commercial uses in the UC1 zone even if listed separately below .1 , .3

0.9 spaces per 100 m2GFA3.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA
All commercial uses in the UC2, UC3, UC4, UC5 and VC1 zone even if listed separately below .1 1.3 spaces per 100 m2GFA4.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA
All commercial uses in the CD22 zone even if listed separately below .1 1.0 spaces per 100 m2net floor area4.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA

All commercial uses in the CD26 zone even if listed separately below .1 , .2

1.75 parking spaces per 100 m2 GFA4.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA

Boat Storage

1.0 space per 10 boat storage spaces plus 2 spaces for employees1.25 spaces per 10 boat storage spaces plus 2 spaces for employees
Child Care Centre, Major1.0 space per 11 children of capacity or 2.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA (whichever is more)n/a
Child Care Centre, Minor1.0 spacen/a
Commercial Storage; or Warehousing

0.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA (minimum 2 spaces);


2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA for all floor area devoted to accessory activities such as any indoor display, office, administrative or technical support, or retail sale operations.

1.0 space per 100 m2GFA


3.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA for all floor area devoted to accessory activities such as any indoor display, office, administrative or technical support, or retail sale operations.


Fleet Services1.0 space per 100 m2GFA and 1.0 space per vehicle in fleetn/a
Gas Bar2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFAn/a
Hotels / Motels

0.8 spaces per sleeping units plus requirements of other uses in the UC1 zone;

1.0 space per sleeping unit plus requirements of other uses in all other zones

1.5 spaces per sleeping units, plus requirements of other uses
Residential Security / Operator Unit1.0 space per dwelling unit2.0 spaces per dwelling unit
Spectator Sports Establishments1 per 4 seatsn/a
Temporary Shelter Services1.0 space per 10 bedsn/a
All other commercial uses not listed above within a: residential zone, Commercial zone, Village Centre zone, Core Area zone, Urban Centre zone, a Health District zone, or a Comprehensive Development zone with commercial uses (unless the CD zone specifies a parking rate): .1, .2
  • 2.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA less than 1,000 m2
  • 2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA between 1,000 m2 & 2,000 m2
  • 3.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA between 2,000 m2 & 20,000 m2
  • 4.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA greater than 20,000 m2 
  • 2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA less than 1,000 m2
  • 3.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA between 1,000 m2 & 2,000 m2
  • 4.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA between 2,000 m2 & 20,000 m2
  • 5,25 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA greater than 20,000 m
FOOTNOTES (Section 8.3.2):
.1 For shopping centres, calculate the area by adding all the tenant spaces together.
.2  Food Primary Establishment and Liquor Primary Establishment must have a minimum of 3 parking spaces.
.3 All lots in the areas identified as 3 storeys in Map 4.1 within the OCP (UC1 Downtown) shall not be required to meet any vehicle parking space requirements if the height of the buildings on the lot are 4 storeys or less as 15.0 metres or less. 
Table 8.3.3 Agriculture
m2 = square metres / 
GFA = gross floor area
Land Use / Type of DevelopmentParking Requirement
Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries6.7 spaces per 100 m2 GFA of retail salesn/a
Farm Retail Sales Stands5.0 spaces per 100 m2 GFA, but a minimum of 4 spacesn/a
Table 8.3.4 Industrial
GFA = gross floor area
m2 = square metres 
Land Use / Type of DevelopmentParking Requirement
Animal Clinics, Major and Minor; or Auctioneering Establishments; or Cultural and Recreation Services; or Food Primary Establishment; or Gas Bar; or Liquor Primary Establishment; or Participant Recreation Services, Indoor; or Recycling Drop-Offs; or Retail Cannabis Sales 

2.5 spaces per 100m2GFA for uses with GFA less than 2,000 m2

3.0 spaces per 100m2GFA for uses with GFA between 2,000 m2 & 20,000 m2

4.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA greater than 20,000 m2 

3.5 spaces per 100m2GFA for uses with GFA less than 2,000 m2

4.5 spaces per 100m2GFA for uses with GFA between 2,000 m2 & 20,000 m2

5.25 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA greater than 20,000 m2 

Alcohol Production Facilities; or Automotive & Equipment; or Automotive & Equipment, Industrial; Cannabis Production Facilities; or Emergency and Protective Services; or General Industrial Uses; or Recycling Depots; or Wrecking Yards

1.0 space per 100 m2GFA (includes mezzanine area);
2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA for all floor area devoted to accessory activities such as any indoor display, office, administrative or technical support, or retail sale operations.
2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA (includes mezzanine area);
3.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA for all floor area devoted to accessory activities such as any indoor display, office, administrative or technical support, or retail sale operations.
Boat Storage1.0 space per 10 boat storage spaces. Minimum of 2 spaces1.5 spaces per 10 boat storage space

Bulk Fuel Depot

2.0 spacesn/a
Child Care Centre, Major1.0 space per 11 children of capacity or 2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA (whichever is greater)n/a
Commercial Storage; or Recycling Plants; or Utility Services, Infrastructure; or Warehousing

0.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA (minimum 2 spaces); 


2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA for all floor area devoted to accessory activities such as any indoor display, office, administrative or technical support, or retail sale operations. 

1.0 space per 100 m2 GFA


3.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA for all floor area devoted to accessory activities such as any indoor display, office, administrative or technical support, or retail sale operations. 

Fleet Services1.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA and 1 space per vehicle in fleetn/a
Residential Security/Operator Unit1.0 space per dwelling unit2.0 spaces per dwelling unit
Table 8.3.5 Institutional
GFA = gross floor area
m2 = square metres 
Land Use / Type of DevelopmentParking Requirement
Child Care Centre, Major1.0 space per 11 children of capacity or 2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA
(whichever is greater)
Cemetery0.5 space per 100 m2 GFAn/a
Cultural and Recreation Services; or Exhibition and Convention Facilities; or Food Primary Establishment; or Health Services; or Liquor Primary Establishment; or Recycling Drop-Offs; or Retail

2.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA less than 2,000 m2

3.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA between 2,000 m2 & 20,000 m2

4.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA greater than 20,000 m

3.5 spaces per 100m2GFA for uses with GFA less than 2,000 m2

4.5 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA between 2,000 m2 & 20,000 m2

5.25 spaces per 100 m2GFA for uses with GFA greater than 20,000 m2 

Detention and Correction Services1.0 space per 2 inmates (capacity)n/a
Education Services1.3 spaces per 100 m2 GFAn/a
Emergency and Protective Services4.0 spaces per 100 m2 GFAn/a
Hospitals1.0 space per 100 m2 GFAn/a
Participant Recreation Services, Indoor

2.0 spaces per 100 m2GFA; or
2.0 spaces per alley for bowling alleys; or
4.0 spaces per curling sheet for curling rinks; or
3.0 spaces per court for racquet clubs; or
25.0 spaces per 100 m2 of pool water surface for public swimming pools
(whichever is greater)

Participant Recreation Services, Outdoor2.0 spaces per 100 m2 GFA; and 6.0 spaces per hole for golf courses; and
1.0 space per tee for a golf driving range
Religious Assemblies1.0 space per 5 seats or 6 spaces per 100 m2 of GFA (whichever is greater)n/a
Residential Security/Operator Unit1.0 space per dwelling unit2.0 spaces per dwelling unit
Spectator Sport Establishments1 space per 4 seatsn/a
Temporary Shelter Services1.0 space per 3 bedsn/a
Table 8.3.7 Water Uses
m2 = square metres / 
GFA = gross floor area
Land Use / Type of DevelopmentParking Requirement
Marinas1.0 space per 2 boat spaces plus 1 per businessn/a
8.4 Off-Street Loading

8.4.1 Where development is proposed, including new development, change of use of existing development, or enlargement of existing development, off-street loading spaces shall be provided by the property owner in accordance with the requirements of this Bylaw. Detention and correction services located within a security fence are exempt from providing off-street loading spaces.

Number of Spaces

8.4.2 The number of off-street loading spaces, including bus loading spaces, required for each use is specified in Table 8.4 Minimum Loading Required. The maximum number of loading spaces required by this section is three (3) spaces.

8.4.3 Where calculation of the total number of loading spaces yields a fractional number, the following counting rules apply (unless specifically defined in Table 8.4 Minimum Loading Required):

  1. any fraction less than one-half (0.5) rounds down to the nearest whole integer (including zero); and
  2. any fraction one-half (0.5) or greater rounds up to the nearest whole integer.

8.4.4 Where gross floor area is used as a unit of measurement for the calculation of required loading spaces, it must exclude all parking and loading areas, secure bicycle parking areas, common stairways and mechanical rooms within the building.

8.4.5 Where Table 8.4 Minimum Loading Required does not clearly define requirements for a particular development, the single use class or combination of use classes is most representative of the proposed development shall be used to determine the loading space requirement.

8.4.6 Where a development consists of a mix of use classes, the total off-street loading requirement shall be the sum of the off-street loading requirements for each use class, unless there is a complementary demand or differences in periods of use for loading that warrants a different requirement.


8.4.7 Off-street loading spaces shall be provided entirely within the lot of the development being served.

8.4.8 Off-street loading spaces shall be oriented away from residential development.

Size and Access

8.4.9 Each off-street loading space shall be of adequate size and accessibility to accommodate the vehicles expected to load and unload, but in no case shall a loading space be less than 28 metres2 in area, less than 3.0 metres in width, or have less than 4.0 metres in overhead clearance.

8.4.10 Each required bus loading space shall be a minimum of 3.6 metres in width, a minimum of 12.2 metres in length, and have a minimum clearance of 4.6 metres.

8.4.11 Access to any loading area shall be provided, wherever possible, internally to the development or from a lane abutting the development.

8.4.12 Access to any loading area shall be arranged such that no backing or turning movement of vehicles going to or from the site causes interference with traffic on the abutting streets or lanes.

Table 8.4 Minimum Loading Requirement
GFA = gross floor area
m2 = square metres 

Type of Development (Use)Required Loading Spaces
Commercial Uses1 per 1,900 m2 GFA
Hotels/Motels1 per 2,800 m2 GFA
Industrial Uses1 per 1,900 m2 GFA
Institutional Uses1 per 2,800 m2 GFA