Planning and Development
Large and small changes to property in Kelowna - such as infill housing, rezoning land for new development, or proposing a change to commercial or industrial lands – have different requirements and processes. This page contains important information about the application process for your proposed development.
Contact listing of planners responsible for city-wide planning.
Click here for our FAQ page.
The new FortisBC Development Feasibility Assessment is intended to provide developers and prospective real estate buyers with an opportunity for due diligence to ensure electrical service for new developments within the city is available and reliable. This applies if you intend to construct more than 50 units of residential or operate a high electrical demand business in the next five years. Check out the bulletins below for more information.
- Bulletin: FortisBC Development Feasibility Study
- Kelowna FortisBC Substation Areas: To view the Kelowna FortisBC Substation locations, go to the City of Kelowna Map Viewer. On the left side of map screen, under layers, select ‘Zoning and Land Use’, select the ‘+’ to open the zoning and land use options, then select ‘FortisBC Electric Substation Service Areas’. See below image for an example.
Click here for detailed information on the Pre-application process.
Speaking to your neighbours early and often is important when you are proposing a new development. They may have ideas about the proposal, offer their support or share concerns that could be addressed. Learn about the 25 ways to be a good neighbour.
There are various types of property development applications, and they all have unique requirements. Learn more about the types of development projects below and click on a header to visit that overview page.
- Development within Airport Zone: Development within the Obstacle Limitation Surface surrounding Kelowna Airport
- Carriage house proposals: constructing a smaller, secondary house that can be used for guests, family, or as a rental
- Development variance permits: proposing development that doesn’t conform to City bylaws
- Environmental development proposals: altering land or proposing construction in a natural environment permit area (near waterways or other ecologically sensitive lands)
- Farm protection development permit: altering land or proposing construction in a farm protection development permit area
- Hazardous condition development proposals: altering land or proposing construction in a high risk area, primarily hill slopes steeper than 30%
- Heritage development proposals: altering, restoring or revitalizing heritage properties
- Liquor Licences: application process overview
- Rezoning & OCP amendments: rezoning properties or amending the Official Community Plan
- Subdivision & stratification proposals: subdividing a property, including changing lot lines or consolidating lots, as well as stratifying buildings
- Urban design development permits: constructing multiple unit residential, commercial and industrial developments
Application fees are listed in our Development Application Fees Bylaw and change annually. Depending on your proposal, there may be other costs associated such as building permits, development cost charges and servicing fees. Other agencies - such as FortisBC, your water provider, or the BC Safety Authority – may also charge fees related to your application.
- A1 Housing Allowances Bulletin
- Airport Zone Bulletin
- Archaeological Sites Bulletin
- Amended Development Permit Bulletin
- Carriage House Bulletin
- Development Permit Landscape Plans Bulletin
- Earthworks Noise and Vibration Regulations Bulletin
- EV Residential Ready Bulletin
- Farm Residential Footprint Bulletin
- Fast Track Infill Housing (MF1) Bulletin
- Landscape Performance Securities Bulletin
- Lot Grading Bulletin
- Payment in Lieu of Parking Rates 2024-2025 Bulletin (takes effect June 1, 2024)
- Phased Strata Subdivision Bulletin
- Public Information Session Guidelines
- Retaining Wall Bulletin
- Security Gates & Roll Shutters Bulletin
- Site Coverage and Impermeable Surfaces Bulletin
- Sloped Lots Bulletin
- Strata Subdivisions
- Tree Cutting Permit Bulletin
- Zoning Bylaw Density Bonus Rates (2024) Bulletin
- See the Building & Permitting bulletin list for more.
Applications can be submitted with payment to the Application Centre on the second floor of City Hall. Please review the requirements listed on the application form relevant to your proposal to ensure that you’re submitting a complete application – see a list of application forms below.
Once you’ve determined which type of application you need to apply for, submit the relevant application form and all required documents as per the links below:
- Standard development application package
- For most types of development applications including Development Permits, Development Variance Permits, Heritage Alteration and Revitalization Permits, Natural Environment Development Permits, OCP Amendments, Rezoning, Temporary Use Permits, and Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional projects.
- Simple development application package
- Some types of developments do not require a form and character review, in these circumstances a simplified development application may be used. Please check with our Planner of the Day at [email protected], or by calling 250-469-8626 to see if your project qualifies.
- Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) applications
- For applications on ALR land that need to be considered by the ALC, submit your application directly to the ALC and it will be forwarded to the City
- Building stratification
- For applications to stratify two or more units on a single lot – stratification allows the units to be sold separately and creates common strata property
- Tree removal
- For applications to remove trees within environmentally sensitive areas
- Soil deposit and removal
- For applications to remove soil from or deposit soil onto a property
Subdivision: For subdivision applications including adjusting lot lines, creating new lots, and consolidating lots – read the subdivision application checklist
Individual application document forms:
The process and procedures for applying for development are regulated in the Development Application & Heritage Procedures Bylaw.
When you apply for a development application, the Development Planning Department will review your property for potential overlap with archaeology sites and provide you with the information. Please review our City of Kelowna Bulletin on Archaeological Sites for more information. Feel free to visit the Province of BC's Archaeology Branch to learn more.
Once your completed application is submitted, you will be assigned a file manager who will work to process your application. Incomplete applications will cause delays. Simple applications that don't require Council consideration can be processed on a shorter timeline, whereas more complex applications that require Council consideration will take longer to process. Your file manager will be able to provide you with more information about application timelines.