Infrastructure Data Standards and Civil 3D Template

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Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD)

The City of Kelowna is adopting the Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD) Infrastructure Data Standards (IDS) for Infrastructure Delivery and Development Engineering projects.  MMCD IDS is a suite of standards and digital data submission specifications, based on Autodesk Civil 3D, that brings consistency to folder structure/names, drawing names, data sharing mechanisms and object names for design model and production drawings. Standardized data will enable the City to input assets quickly and accurately into our GIS and CAD systems, while bringing consistency to the appearance of production drawings.  Records of constructed features are required by our asset management, operations and planning teams, and the consulting community. 

The City of Kelowna would like new project submissions that are started after January 1, 2024, to follow the adopted MMCD standards below:

Kelowna MMCD IDS and Civil 3D Templates

Data Submission Folders and Data Sharing

Below is a link to a zip file that can be used for project folder creation following the Kelowna MMCD IDS:

Template for new project folders

Below is a link to training and support:

Training and Support

Use of these files does not supersede any professional standards or requirements. The use of this file and the aspects therein does not supersede or replace any requirements of the City of Kelowna Engineering Drawing Submission Requirements Administrative Policy, this may contain additional requirements not reflected in this .DWT file

It is the sole responsibility of the OWNER/DEVELOPER/CONSULTANT/OTHER submitting drawings to the City to comply with professional standards and the City of Kelowna Engineering Submission Requirements Policy. The City of Kelowna does not guarantee its accuracy or correctness of these files or the aspects therein.