Abbott ST and Miekle Ave ATC Walnut St to Newsom Ave

Home > Our community > Planning & projects > Current capital projects > Abbott ST and Miekle Ave ATC Walnut St to Newsom Ave

Abbott Street in Kelowna has become a bustling route for cyclists and pedestrians, with over a quarter million active transportation users each year. Thanks to recent upgrades that have enhanced safety and comfort for users of all ages and abilities, this number continues to grow.
The previous phase of the Abbott Active Transportation Corridor (ATC) connects the Downtown and Pandosy Urban Centres through public parks and commercial areas while providing a direct link to the Kelowna General Hospital campus, one of the city’s largest employment hubs.
The next phase of the ATC is planned for 2025 and will extend along Abbott Street and Meikle Avenue between Newsom Avenue and Walnut Street. This section, which borders the new waterfront park, will primarily feature permanent materials and improvements for both cyclists and pedestrians. Once the proposed developer-led ATC project to the south is completed, this phase will close the remaining gap to Boyce-Gyro Beach Park. It is a key step in establishing a continuous ATC along Abbott Street that serves users of all ages and abilities.
This initiative is part of the City's ongoing investments to achieve goals outlined in the Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Official Community Plan (OCP), Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMP), and other guiding documents. Enhancing pedestrian and cyclist safety and comfort aligns with the City’s long-term goals for environmental protection, inclusive transportation, and improved community health.