Let the sweep begin: spring street cleaning starts Sunday
News Release
While recent mild weather has allowed City sweeping crews to get a head start, the full street sweeping program officially kicks off Sunday, March 16. Crews will be out seven days a week, 20 hours a day sweeping more than 2,100 lane kilometres, 390 kilometres of bike lanes, 440 kilometres of sidewalks and some 35,000 square metres of medians. The spring sweep is expected to be completed by mid-May, weather permitting.
“We have seven large road sweepers, six municipal tractors, three water trucks, two dump trucks, two dedicated sidewalk sweepers and 40 staff working on this year’s annual sweep,” says Andrew Schwerdtfeger, Roadways Operations Manager. “Street sweeping is completed in sections and we will publish our progress and route priorities weekly at kelowna.ca/roadsweeping .”
Residents can help by moving vehicles off the road as well as any other items that could impede street sweepers such as basketball hoops. Sweeping sand from sidewalks and boulevards into the gutters is also helpful to ensure a clean sweep.
Signage restricting on-street parking will be placed at least twenty-four hours before an area is scheduled to be swept. Signs may be up longer depending on weather delays.
For more information on the City’s roadway maintenance, visit kelowna.ca/roadsweeping .