Public art collection listing

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Use the interactive map below to browse through our public art collection, which currently includes over 70 public artworks located throughout Kelowna. Visit our Public art page to learn more about our Public Art Program. 

Renaissance of a Tree
The WorkThe sculpture is carved from the remains of a large cottonwood tree. The work pays tribute to both the tree and the Peregrine Falcon which returned to Okanagan skies after a 40-year absence....
Artist:Peter Ryan
The WorkMonumental fibreglass dolphins play in a large fountain.The ProjectThis sculpture and plaza were a joint project between the developer of the Grand Okanagan Hotel and the City of Kelowna.The...
Artist:Robert Dow Reid
The WorkThis series of steel “vessels” evokes a connection between human movement through water and the aquatic lifecycle by referring both to the iconographic form of the canoe and the remains of an...
Artist:Richard Watts
Running Man
The WorkThree laser-cut steel businessmen are interlocked in running motion. The briefcases carried by each “running man” hold within their clear, cast-resin casings, beads, buttons and imitation...
Artist:Marion Lea Jamieson
The WorkThis work is inspired by totemic female figures known as caryatids, invoked for their wisdom and protection. Intricately woven, the piece was first created in local willow branches that had...
Artist:Dawn MacNutt
Seth Benjamin
The WorkThis work, originally created in woven vines and branches and then cast in bronze, is inspired by totemic female figures known as caryatids, invoked for their wisdom and protection. Created...
Artist:Ken Curley
The WorkSkagway was created with sections of enameled aluminum plates and evokes the monumental landscapes of the work's Alaskan namesake. The sculpture was created by Robert Murray and donated to...
Artist:Robert Murray
Spirit of Kelowna
The WorkOne hundred and four cast-bronze medallions reflect the theme of community spirit.The ProjectOne hundred and two of the medallions were designed and formed by Kelowna residents during a...
Artist:Geert Maas
Spirit of Sail
The WorkThis iconic fibreglass sculpture by well-known local sculptor, Robert Dow Reid has become a symbol for the city and is prominently featured in many tourism publications. Known locally as...
Artist:Robert Dow Reid
Standing, Leaning, & Reclining
The WorkThese 3 steel pieces make a playful reference to the human form in various poses.The ProjectThe works were cut from the lift span of the Okanagan Lake Bridge which was dismantled when the W.R...