Last call to share thoughts on housing options for core lots

October 12, 2023

Public Service Announcement

There are three days left for residents to provide input and help shape the City’s approach to infill in core area neighbourhoods. A survey asking residents to share their priorities when it comes to infill housing is open until October 15.

With the Infill Options project, more infill – including multiplexes, rowhouses, and townhouses – will gradually appear in Core Area neighbourhoods as existing homes are renovated or redeveloped in an effort to create more diverse housing choices for residents as Kelowna continues to grow.

The City’s infill housing strategy is one of several housing priorities the City is currently pursuing to accommodate projected growth and support a healthier housing system overall. By helping to improve housing diversity and affordability, transportation options, infrastructure costs and sustainability, infill offers many potential benefits. It also comes with trade-offs, however, and residents can indicate what they value most when considering choices between competing aspects like yard space, parking and building form.

The City has been working on its infill strategy since 2022 and has completed technical analysis to understand how and where infill can be accommodated. Recommended changes to the Zoning Bylaw aimed at expanding where infill is permitted are expected to be brought to Council for consideration later this year.

Resident input on infill priorities will help shape the final strategy. Learn more about infill options and complete the survey on Get Involved.