Kelowna’s first neighbourhood bikeway is coming to Rutland

October 10, 2023

News Release

Kelowna’s first neighbourhood bikeway is proposed in Rutland and the City is looking for input to help inform early planning along the route.  

“The Rutland Neighbourhood Bikeway will extend Kelowna’s all ages and abilities bike network from the Houghton Active Transportation Corridor into new neighbourhoods,” said Jennifer Hostland, Transportation Planner. “The neighbourhood bikeway will also connect people biking to schools and key destinations at Rutland Recreation Park.” 

Neighbourhood bikeways are new to Kelowna but used successfully in many communities across North America. They are typically located on quiet residential streets with low traffic volumes and speeds where people biking and driving can safely share the road. Design treatments include features that help to prioritize bikes, and slow down and reduce traffic along the route. They can be a cost-effective way to extend the “all ages and abilities” bike network into additional parts of our city. 

The Rutland Neighbourhood Bikeway is proposed between Mugford and Klassen Roads, through Rutland Recreation Park and along Friesen Road. It was selected following the city-wide Neighbourhood Bikeways Study, where 81 per cent of survey respondents said they were very supportive of neighbourhood bikeways.  

Complete the survey or leave a pin on the interactive map before October 29 by visiting​​​​​​​