Highlights of July 24 Council meeting

July 26, 2023

Council Highlights

10-Year Capital Plan
Council adopted the 10-Year Capital Plan (2023 – 2032), which forecasts infrastructure investment for 2023 – 2032. In the next 10-years, the City plans to invest $2.05 billion in infrastructure to support growth, improve services and renew existing assets. Overall, the City’s infrastructure investment has increased $418 million from the previous plan across the 12 capital cost centres. Seventy percent of total infrastructure investment is in Parks, Buildings, Transportation and Airport.
Read full report to Council

North End Plan – Neighbourhood Concept Plans
Policy and Planning staff presented a report for information to Council on three potential neighbourhood concept plans for the North End Plan. Intended to guide and manage the evolution of the North End neighbourhood over the next 20-plus years, the plan will identify the land use mix, housing approach, transportation network improvements, utilities, new parks and public spaces, and other community amenities needed to ensure the neighbourhood evolves in a deliberate way that benefits both North End residents and the city as a whole. Next steps include public engagement to elicit feedback on the concepts.
Read full report to Council

Local Government Climate Action Program – Year 2
Council received an update from the Climate Action & Environmental Stewardship and Energy Management Department on Year 2 of the Local Government Climate Action Program. In 2022, the Province introduced the Local Government Climate Action Program to provide predictable and stable funding for local governments and Modern Treaty Nations to support climate action that reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and prepares communities for the impacts of a changing climate.
Read full report to Council

Alternative Approval Process for Recreation and Activity Centres
Council approved the initiation of an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) for the borrowing of $241,320,000 for the redevelopment of the Parkinson Recreation Centre (PRC), the construction of multi-age activity centres in Glenmore and Mission, and the redevelopment of the Rutland Sports fields. Approval of the electors must be obtained for the long-term borrowing under the loan authorization bylaw. Under the AAP, electors who are opposed to the loan authorization can sign and submit an AAP elector response form by the deadline on September 15, 2023. Forms are available at City Hall, Parkinson Recreation Centre and online at kelowna.ca.
Read full report to Council

To watch a playback of the Council meeting and view all presentations, visit “Past Meetings” at kelowna.ca/council.