Growing Kelowna

Making room to grow.  

Kelowna is one of the fastest growing cities in Canada. As the community welcomes new residents to our city, the growth needs to be thoughtful - it's more than just about adding more buildings, roads, and services or the population. These elements are really important, but they need to be done in a way that that supports our community being a place where everyone feels welcome and can enjoy the great things this community has to offer. Read more to learn about some of the things the City is doing to support growth while making sure Kelowna continues to be a great place to live. 

Planning to grow 

Growing cities need good plans. As the city grows, preparations and plans are underway to ensure residents’ quality of life grows in tandem. The following major plans work together to deliver on key community needs. 

  • The 2040 Official Community Plan (OCP) | How and where our city grows is shaped by the 2040 OCP. The OCP provides a policy framework for Council which addresses areas like housing, transportation, infrastructure, parks, economic development and the natural and social environment.
  • The 2040 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) | The 2040 TMP works with the OCP to connect people and places – together, they help deliver on our goals of a more sustainable, equitable future. The TMP is a long-term, citywide plan for transportation improvements that will help keep Kelowna moving, now and into the future.
  • Infrastructure Plans | The 2030 Infrastructure Plan is the City’s strategic capital plan and sets the direction for infrastructure investment from to 2030. The 2030 Infrastructure Plan guides the development of the 10-year Capital Plan, which is updated every year to stay accurate and up-to-date  - and to reflect emerging issues and changing priorities.
  • Parks Master Plan | The City is creating a Parks Master Plan to guide the expansion, development, and operations of its parks system as Kelowna grows.

Growing housing options 

As a growing city, Kelowna has diverse housing needs that cover the entire 'wheelhouse', from temporary shelters to market housing. The City is working on a number of actions within its scope with support from senior levels of government to deliver on our community vision of a vibrant, inclusive community for all. Recent initiatives include:

  • Transitional housing | The Province and the City have announced 120 units of transitional housing for Kelowna - two projects of 60 sleeper units will help move people from unsheltered living to safe, secure shelter.
  • Middle Income Housing Partnership Policy |   By leveraging city-owned properties, the program aims to contribute to the creation of more accessible housing options for middle-income families.
  • Infill Housing | In 2024, the City responded to provincial legislative changes by updating Zoning and supporting bylaws to allow more housing, in more areas, more quickly than ever before, in an effort to create more much-needed supply. 

Visit the housing webpage to learn more about the City's role in housing and other initiatives underway.

Growing transportation options

The Transportation Master Plan contains a number of recommended actions to keep Kelowna moving as we grow, including investments in roads, active transportation, transit, emerging technologies. To see a list of current and future funded transportation-related infrastructure projects on the City's capital projects page. The majority of new transportation-related infrastructure is funded by fees collected from development.

Growing parks & amenities

To maintain a good quality of live, residents need high-quality amenities and public spaces. The City is making unprecedented investments in community recreation space through the Building a Stronger Kelowna project. This project is helping to grow community, sport and wellness facilities strategically across Kelowna. Active, low-barrier spaces where residents of all ages and abilities can move, connect and develop new skills and passions play a critical role in community wellbeing. Whether it's taking an art class, connecting with a weekly singing group, training for an upcoming competition, or hosting a neighbourhood gathering, these facilities are welcoming, safe spaces for Kelowna to connect, learn, and belong.  In addition, growth helps fund the expansion of new parks across the city.

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