Council priorities
2023-2026 Council Priorities
Council Priorities 2023–2026 identifies the strategic shifts, improvements and changes that are important to Council, the community and organization. The approach is designed to take immediate action on what is important to residents and guide the City’s business planning and investment decisions. It outlines six priority areas and 22 actions to increase citizens’ quality of life. Council will receive a public progress report on the priorities every six, 12 and 18 months.
- Download the Council Priorities 2023-2026 overview
- Read the complete Council Priorities 2023-2026 document
- Read the March 2024 Council priority report about how we measure success
- Read the January 2025 Council priority action report
The Priorities
Working alongside other pivotal city strategies—such as the Official Community Plan, 10-Year Capital Plan, 20-Year Servicing Plan, and Imagine Kelowna—the approved council priorities are:
Crime & Safety
- Advance implementation of Mayor's Task Force on Crime Reduction recommendations, including Business Improvement Area support
- Reduce property crime; including break and enters and theft
- Demonstrate effectiveness of visibility on high-risk traffic behaviour (e.g. speeding, texting) and crime
- Support retention of current policy restricting use of drugs in public spaces
- Partner with ministries responsible for mental health and addictions on initiatives (e.g. Community Safety Plan) that improve local conditions, including alternative response models and advocacy
Affordable Housing
- Meet provincial/local affordable housing targets with support from the Province
- Complete Housing Action Plan including incentive options
- Partner on the creation of low-cost housing pilot project
- Investigating options to protect renters impacted by redevelopment projects and protect existing rental stock
- Advocate for a regional care facility (e.g. Red Fish Healing Center model)
- Complete the delivery of tiny home units committed to by the Province
- Facilitate a purpose-built permanent shelter with 'wrap-up' supports and graduated housing options
- Assess feasibility of care and delivery models such as a multi-care site
- Complete the functional design of the Hwy 33 multi-modal traffic corridor and propose a partnership delivery model to the Province
- Secure funding for a new transit operation centre
- Enhance traffic safety (e.g. traffic calming and pedestrian infrastructure)
- Explore alternative modes of transportation between UBCO/YLW and downtown (e.g. light rail)
- Improve transit service including expanding the transit pass program (e.g. Community Upass)
- Improve traffic flow and capacity on major road networks (e.g. roads bundle)
- Protect agriculture lands
- Continue to ensure farmland is used for permitted uses
- Ensure sufficient & high-quality agriculture water supply
Climate & Environment
- Complete the Climate Resilient Kelowna Strategy
- Continue to include 'Climate Lens' in decision making to assess mitigation and adaptation
- Increase urban tree canopy (e.g. tree-lined medians)
- Pilot energy concierge program to enable retrofits in buildings
- Seek opportunities to enhance economic diversification
- Attract new employment and support existing business growth
- Assess the City's supply of employment lands
- Consider the City's investment into economic development