Partners in Parks

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The Partners in Parks Grant Program is an initiative intended to strengthen neighbourhoods through partnerships with community groups that want to refresh and enhance local parks throughout Kelowna.


The City of Kelowna’s Parks & Buildings Planning Division administers The Partners in Parks grant program for the community. This grant program and subsequent project is intended to: 

  1. Foster a shared sense of park stewardship within the community by bringing community members together to create a new park feature in an existing park or enhance existing park infrastructure.
  2. Leverage community groups’ interests and resources.
  3. Increase community pride, identity and involvement of residents in parks.
  4. Encourage active healthy lifestyles and lifelong participation in outdoor recreation.
  5. Build strong neighbourhoods.
  6. Support effective park management and operations.

Community groups or organizations seeking funding support from the City of Kelowna through the Partners in Parks grant program should be aware of and aligned with these goals.

In addition, projects should provide volunteer opportunities for community members; engage volunteers in project development, and implementation; build leadership within the community; include clear plans for maintenance and sustainability; and make positive improvements to the park.

Grants are available for up to 50% of the total project cost, to a maximum of $20,000 and require matching support from other sources which is equal to, or more than the amount provided by the City. Matching contributions may be cash or in kind and must be identified, even if not confirmed, in the application.

Partnerships can take on many forms. The program is designed to support individuals and community groups to install small scale park improvements such as plantings, play equipment, site furniture, or recreation elements. Past projects that have been successful include Disc golf tee box installation, Bellevue Creek pedestrian bridge and the unH2O garden at Mission Recreation Park.

If you are interested in applying for this grant, please register by clicking on the link: Partners in Parks - City of Kelowna Grant
For questions please email: Parks Planning at [email protected]