Property maintenance and standards

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It is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain all aspects of their property to prevent it from becoming an unsightly premise. It is also important to maintain sidewalks by clearing the snow and ensuring they remain free of debris and vegetation overgrowth.

What you need to know: 

  • Prevent landscaping and trees on your property from encroaching over sidewalks or roadways
  • Boulevard maintenance – residents are responsible for the boulevards fronting their properties. Keep boulevards trimmed and free of weeds
  • Trim all landscaping so intersection sightlines are not obstructed – Traffic Bylaw (Sight Triangle)
  • Trees and shrubs should not be planted within the road right of way.
  • Private property does not extend all the way to the roadway in most locations so be familiar with where your property ends and keep all landscaping within the boundary.
  • Prevent the accumulation of garbage, rubbish and offensive/unwholesome materials on your property
  • Do not store derelict vehicles of any sort on your property
  • All aspects of private property must remain free of graffiti
  • Snow Removal – residents are responsible for ensuring the public sidewalks in front of their property is cleared 24hr after each snow fall.
  • Please do not plow snow from private property onto the public roadways. Put shoveled snow onto your yard as any extra snow on roads and sidewalks can be hazardous for pedestrians and vehicles.

Property Standards Compliance Team (PSCT):

The PSCT is a multi-agency enforcement team mandated to enhance health, safety, and security of communities, including sense of safety, by addressing properties that:

  • Have a significant detrimental impact to the surrounding area;
  • Pose a risk to tenants and surrounding residents;
  • Have created significant workload to City Services; and
  • Traditional attempts by any one City department has not resulted in changes or improvements.

How to report: 

  • To report unsightly premises, tree and shrub encroachment, or non-shoveled sidewalk, please call 250-469-8686
  • For concerns regarding snow routes and/or plowing, please submit a service request or contact Civic Operations at 250-469-8600

Need more information: 

Bylaw Services

Reference Bylaw(s): 
Traffic Bylaw no 8120
Maintenance of Boulevards by the Owners of Lands Abutting Thereon Bylaw no 10425

Additional references and quick links: