We're an award-winning City
Our organization has received many awards that highlight our efforts to make Kelowna a City of the Future. We've been recognized for our strong financial management and visionary initiatives on the environment, housing, public engagement, and more.
Financial Management & Strategy
Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
City recognized for excellence in governmental budgeting: Financial Plan.
(23 consecutive years)
Canadian Award for Financial Reporting
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
City recognized for excellence in governmental accounting and reporting: Annual Report.
(22 consecutive years)
Gold Quill Award of Merit
International Association of Business Communicators
City recognized for Pick your Path to 2040 community engagement used to inform the Official Community Plan and Transportation Master Plan.
Smart21 Community of the Year
2017 & 2018
Intelligent Community Forum
City recognized for developing effective models of economic, social and cultural development in the digital age.
Distinguished Member Award
Local Government Management Association
City Manager Ron Mattiussi recognized for extraordinary contribution to a local government or organization, and for their high ethical standards.
People & Economy
WOW (Widening our World) Award
Community Living B.C.
City recognized for connecting diverse-abilities client group during COVID-19 recreation facility closures and interruptions.
Age-Friendly Community
2019 & 2020
B.C. Ministry of Health
City recognized for helping seniors and people of all ages and abilities to stay active and connect with their community.
Gold Award for Excellence in Planning
Planning Institute of British Columbia: Equity and Inclusion in Housing Needs Assessments
City recognized for excellence in understanding housing needs.
Top Place in BC to Open a Small Business
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
PERC Award for Management Innovation and Ingenuity Excellence
2015 & 2016
BC Recreation and Parks Association
City recognized for Strong Neighbourhoods program.
Civic Operations & the Environment
Heritage Award: Rotary Marsh Park
Central Okanagan Heritage Society
City recognized for protecting a sensitive cultural area that brings beauty to the Central Okanagan.
Top 50 Government Fleet
Government Fleet Magazine
City was one of only five Canadian municipalities named in the Top 50.
Tree Cities of the World Recognition
United Nations and Arbor Day Foundation
City recognized for leadership in leading in urban and community forestry.
BC Climate Action Leader
Union of British Columbia Municipalities’ Green Communities Committee
City recognized for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Award of Excellence: GIS
Esri Canada
City recognized for excellence in GIS City Modeling to support business decisions.
City of Excellence Award for Safety
BC Municipal Safety Association
City recognized for collaborative efforts with FortisBC to promote safe excavation practices.
BC Client of the Year
Association of Consulting Engineering Companies
City recognized for commitment to following industry best practices.
Excellence in Risk Management Award
Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia (MIABC)
City recognized for bringing independent accreditation (quality assurance) to the Development Services Department.
Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award
Public Works Association of British Columbia
Commercial Building Judges' Choice Best Overall Award
Thompson Okanagan Kootenay Commercial Building Awards
City recognized for design of Kelowna Police Services Building (Community Institutional Project).
Work Safe Certificate of Recognition
WorkSafe BC
City awarded $190,000 premium rebate.
CHBA Tommie Silver Award Finalist
Canadian Home Builders' Association
City's Queensway Transit Exchange recognized in 'Best Outside of the Box' category.
Best of the Okanagan Award of Excellence
Urban Development Institute
City's Queensway Transit Exchange recognized.
William Templeton Trophy
BC Aviation Council
Kelowna International Airport recognized for outstanding initiative and achievement in the development of a community airport.
Employer Support Award
Canadian Forces Liaison Council
Kelowna International Airport recognized for the support it provided to Canadian Forces Operations, International.
Award of Excellence
Southern Interior Construction Association
City's Queensway Transit Exchange recognized in the 'Community Institutional' category.
Award of Merit
Southern Interior Construction Association
City's YMCA renovations recognized.
Great Places in Canada Contest Winner
Canadian Institute of Planners
City's Stuart Park recognized.