Animal regulations
Managing Wildlife
The City of Kelowna is home to wide variety of urban wildlife including bears, coyotes, deer and geese. Especially for properties that are accessible to wildlife areas, it is important to follow preventative measures to discourage wildlife from routing their way around sleeping neighbourhoods. The City of Kelowna Solid Waste Management Regulation Bylaw No. 10106 provides ways of managing attractants on your property.
What you need to know:
- A person must not feed Wildlife, or animals in such a way that will attract Wildlife
- Secure your garbage and green bins and do not put out until your collection day
- Any bird feeder containing forms of bird seed or nectar are to be suspended in such a manner that is inaccessible to Wildlife; the area below the feeder is required to be kept free of accumulation
- Composting activity is required to be done in a device that is maintained in a manner that is inaccessible to Wildlife
- Outdoor freezers, fridges, food storage apparatuses and barbeques that contain animal attractants, must be equipped in such a manner that is inaccessible to wildlife
How to report:
Dangerous wildlife sightings and encounters should be reported to the BC Conservation Officer Service, toll-free at 1-877-952-7277
- The Wild Safe BC website provides tips for reducing wildlife conflicts for several animals such as bears, cougars, coyotes, deer, and raccoons.
- The Wildlife Rehabilitators Network of BC provides tips on how to deal with wild animals and lists rehabilitators in BC.
- The BC SPCA Provincial Call Centre at 1-855-522-7722 and the Kelowna RCMP at 250-762-3300 can be contacted to report wild animals in distress and requiring assistance.
If you are reporting a city resident you believe to be improperly storing attractants, please contact Bylaw Services at 250-469-8686 or [email protected].
For more information:
Bylaw Services
Reference Bylaw(s):
Animal & Poultry Regulation and Animal Pound Bylaw no. 5421
Solid Waste Management Bylaw no. 10106
Dog Control
The Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) provides Dog Control services in Kelowna. The RDCO is responsible for all aspects of dog care and control including dog licensing, bylaw enforcement issues such as barking complaints, off leash infractions, and aggressive dog investigations.
What you need to know:
- Residents are restricted to maximum 3 dogs over the age of 3 months per house/property
- All dogs residing in the Regional District for more than 30 days, and over 3 months of age must be licensed. New licenses and renewals can be purchased online from the RDCO’s website at or in person from the Cashiers Counter at City Hall at 1435 Water Street, Kelowna.
- Dogs must always be leashed unless in a designated off-leash area. Leashes must not exceed 2 metres in length and must be in the immediate control of a competent person. Dogs that are found roaming off-leash/at large in Kelowna are taken to the Dog Pound facility at 890 Weddell Pl, Kelowna.
- Owners are required to pick up, and properly dispose of their animal’s waste from private and public spaces.
- Unreasonable howling or barking dogs are neighbourhood disturbances. Please ensure that your dog does not bark or howl uncontrollably or excessively.
How to report:
- To report a dog control issue, please call: 250-469-6284 (RDCO Dog Control)
- For a hot dog in car, please call the Kelowna SPCA at 250-861-7722. In an emergency situation call 9-1-1
- Animal cruelty concerns can be directed to the Kelowna SPCA at 250-861-7722
For more information:
Dog Control (RDCO)
[email protected]
Dog Control (RDCO) – After Hours Emergencies
Dog control is regulated under the RDCO Responsible Dog Ownership Bylaw No. 1343. Learn more at