Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw

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Bylaw No.: 
Adopted Date: 
March 20, 1990
Office of the City Clerk at 250-469-8645
Governance & administration

This bylaw designates those City Bylaws which may be enforced under the municipal ticket information (MTI) system. It sets the fines for the offenses and designates the officials entitled to enforce each of the bylaws. Some of the bylaws included in the MTI system are
Building Bylaw No. 7245, Business Licence and Regulation Bylaw No. 7878, Fire
Prevention Regulation Bylaw No. 6110, Traffic Bylaw No. 8120, Parks and Public
Spaces Bylaw No. 6819, Zoning Bylaw No. 8000, Sign Bylaw No. 8235 and Solid Waste
Management Bylaw No. 10106. For a complete list of all the bylaws covered by the
MTI system, please see Schedule 1 of this bylaw.