Home-based businesses
Many types of home-based businesses are permitted in Kelowna. Business Licence Bylaw No. 12585 and Zoning Bylaw No. 12375 regulate home-businesses based on the type of business, the number of expected customers and employees, and the amount of space required within your home to operate the business. Businesses that require many employees, large amounts of space, or generate increased traffic are generally not suitable for a home-based business.
Anyone operating a business from their home within city boundaries must obtain an annual business licence from the City. Apply for a licence online or in-person at the Application Centre on the second floor of City Hall (please bring a piece of ID and general information about the business).
Home-Based Business, Minor
Minor home-based businesses are the most common form of a home-based business, in which a space in your home is used for phone and office use only. This is ideal for home-based services such as bookkeeping, accounting, web developing or online services in which the primary home-based use is for phone and office use. A maximum of one client visit at a time is permitted
To learn more, download our HBB Minor bulletin.
Home-Based Business, Major
Major home-based business would apply when there are a few customers - no more than two at a time – coming to your home each day. Some types of major businesses are therapists, artists, or caterers. The major business label doesn’t apply to automotive repairs or painting, or any businesses that produces any noise, nuisance, or dust for nearby residences.
Home-based business major operators are required to submit the following documents as part of their business licence applications:
- Floor plan showing the area of your home or accessory building to be used as a part of the business.
- Parking Plan showing the one, off street parking space required for the business in addition to the parking spaces required for the principal dwelling unit.
To learn more, download our HBB Major bulletin.
Home-Based-Business, Rural
Rural home-based businesses are only permitted on rural or agricultural land. Many of the same provisions of a major home-based business apply, though you must also meet the minimum lot size of 4000m2. Exterior storage of materials or equipment is not permitted, and the business must not generate any noise, nuisance, or dust for adjacent properties. Business that require storage for many vehicles, materials, or equipment are generally not permitted.
A home-based business operating on the agricultural land reserve must conform to our Business Licence Bylaw and Zoning Bylaw as well as the provisions of the Agricultural Land Commission. For more information about operating on the agricultural land reserve, contact [email protected].
Home-based business rural operators are required to submit the following documents as part of their business licence applications:
- Floor plan showing the area of your home or accessory building to be used as a part of the business.
- Parking Plan showing the one off-street parking space required for the business in addition to the parking spaces required for the principal dwelling unit.
To learn more, download our HBB Rural bulletin.