Bed & breakfasts
Bed and breakfasts can only occur if there is one dwelling unit on the lot within zones A1, A2, RR1, RR2. A bed and breakfast can have up to four rooms for accommodation, and one parking stall must be provided for each room.
A business licence is required to operate a bed & breakfast. Apply for a business licence online or in-person at the Application Centre on the second floor of City Hall (please bring a piece of ID and general information about the business).
Operators are required to submit the following documents as part of their business licence submissions:
- Parking plan showing one labelled off-street parking space per sleeping unit, in addition to the parking spaces required for the principal dwelling unit. *This use allows for multiple bookings at one time, each stall is treated as its own use and cannot be parked in tandem.
- Fire evacuation plan showing a labelled aerial view floor plan of the entire home.
To learn more, download our bed and breakfast bulletin and check out Zoning Bylaw No. 12375.