Bidding opportunities

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Current Bidding Opportunities Sign Up for e-updates

Through our public bidding process, those interested in becoming a supplier to the City may submit on those opportunities. If you have a medically recognized disability that interferes with meeting a submission process on a City opportunity, please contact our Purchasing Branch for support and possible accommodations to enable full participation. The City ensures our processes are open, fair and transparent for all. 

Suppliers interested in selling to us may send an email to our Purchasing Branch including their company information, a line card and/or the goods, services, or construction work for consideration. We don’t keep a formal bidder's list or registry. 

The City's Purchasing Branch also disposes of surplus assets. Assets are primarily disposed of using the Province of British Columbia’s public auction website: BC Auction.  

Stay informed on bidding opportunities

You can find current bidding opportunities on our website, our online Bonfire bidding platform (free registration) and BC Bid (optional paid membership). You can sign up for our bidding opportunity email notifications and subscribe to notifications from the platforms noted above.  

Formal Public Tendering documents are available for download (free registration required) on our online bidding platform. 

Bid submission process

Bid submissions must be returned to the listed submission location and by the method set out in the bid document no later than the "Closing Date and Time" noted in the bid document or as amended. 

Read bid documents thoroughly and follow all the instructions and conditions. If you have questions about the tender process or the bid document content, submit them as directed in the bid documents. For general inquiries, contact our Purchasing Branch at 250-469-8530 or

It’s the sole responsibility of the bidder to regularly check for additions to the bid, questions and answers, and for additional information that maybe posted from time to time. 

Post-bid submission process

After a bid has been awarded, the name of the successful bidder and contract value (when applicable) will be posted publicly, as soon as it’s practical, on BC Bid. 

Unsuccessful bidders may request - within 30 days of notice of the award or cancellation of the opportunity - a debrief session to learn how they might be more successful in future opportunities. To arrange for a debriefing, a proponent may reach out to the City contact noted in the bid documents. 

Participants wishing to challenge a bidding process or outcome may do so by providing a written notice to our Purchasing Branch Manager. The notice must contain a detailed explanation of the concerns with the process or outcomes. The Purchasing Branch Manager will work hard to reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion with the claimant. If this conclusion is not reached, the claimant has the option of using trade agreement mechanisms for a bid protest. 

Bid policies & standards

Our public tendering process is administered in compliance with City Bylaws and Policies, Canadian commercial and contract law, and all applicable trade agreements. We are committed to excellence. We pursue the highest standards of public procurement and aim to achieve best value outcomes for the community we serve. All tender documents issued by us are City property and may not be copied or sold to other parties without express authorization of our Purchasing Branch Manager. 

Only the Purchasing Branch is authorized to issue City of Kelowna purchase orders. Unless superseded by other related documents and agreements, our Terms and Conditions will apply and be binding to suppliers of goods and services. Upon acceptance of a purchase order, the supplier is deemed to have agreed to the City's Standard Terms & Conditions for Purchase Orders

After an individual or business submits a bid, they may only contact the City representative noted in the tender. Contacting any other City representative - including members of Council, Officers or employees of the City - may result in your submission/proposal being removed from consideration and may affect your ability to submit to future bids. 

We have a strict policy prohibiting the acceptance of personal gifts or gratuities of any kind. 

Master municipal construction documents

We use master municipal construction documents (MMCD) as the standard construction documents for many of our civil work projects. The links below are provided for review and information purposes only. Each project using the MMCD documents will have contract documents that will take precedence over the information below and will contain some of the information listed as appropriate. 

Supplementary specifications

Supplementary standard detail drawings


Fuel Price Adjustment

Hourly rates paid for hired equipment are adjusted monthly to ensure fairness and to reflect the potential volatility of fuel pricing in today’s global economy.

The calculation is based on the difference between the average fuel price at the time the equipment contracts are signed and the fuel price at the time the work is performed.

On-Road Equipment (highway-licensed vehicles) are calculated at an average of 15 L / hour (e.g. gravel trucks)
Off-Road Equipment (not licensable for highway use, such as excavators) are calculated at an average of 35 L / hour