Construction water options

> City Services > Water & wastewater > City Water Utility > Construction water options

From dust suppression, soil compaction to street sweeping, water is an important tool on construction sites. The following water options are available to licensed contractors and are to be used for purposes listed in the Water Regulation Bylaw.

Bulk Water Fill Station

Two automated fill stations are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Although the stations are connected to a potable water source, water coming from the stations is non-potable and not suitable for drinking as many industrial users access the station and the filling arm is exposed to the environment. The water is intended for construction use only.

An account is required and funds are added to the account to operate the stations. You will receive an access number and a personal identification number (PIN). 

Station Locations: 

  • 1610 Dilworth Drive (off Leckie Place).
  • 890 Baillie Avenue (across from 895 Baillie Avenue).  

The charge for bulk water is $1.21 per cubic meter (1000 litres). 

Additional information on the stations and operating instructions can be found here.  

Hydrant Use Permits

A permit is required for any hydrant use for construction purposes such as road compaction, dust control, road sweeping and water tanker filling. The City of Kelowna will provide an enclosed 50mm (2”) backflow assembly with a 2” controlling valve that may be operated by the contractor. The contractor will require a 2” female camlock fitting to connect to the assembly. City staff will deliver and install the backflow assembly and pressurize the hydrant and backflow assembly for usage. Contractors are not permitted to operate the fire hydrant. The permit will expire at 2:30 p.m. on the last requested day of the permit.  

Cost of a Hydrant Use Permit is $75, plus $35 per day of each day of the Hydrant Permit. The fee for a Hydrant Use Permit includes the cost of providing, installing and removing an Approved Backflow Preventer.

Temporary Water Service

If a water service has been installed to a property before the water meter is installed, a temporary water service connection may be possible if it meets the following conditions: 

  • a current building or plumbing permit is in place. 
  • the water connection is 50mm (2”) or smaller. 
  • a shutoff valve and an approved backflow preventer is installed on the water connection.  
    • Residential water connections require a dual check valve. 
    • Commercial or multi-family connections require a certified Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA). Annual recertification is required.  

The contractor is responsible for ensuring the water service and backflow preventor is protected from freezing.  

If the above conditions are met, Utilities may be contacted to turn-on the water service. Contractors are not authorized to operate the service valve (curb stop).  

A bulk fill station account, hydrant use permit or temporary water service turn-on can be obtained by calling 250-469-8600 or by emailing  

Current rates for all these water options are available in Schedule A & B of the Water Regulation Bylaw