Fire Department

> City Services > Safety & emergency services > Fire Department

Current fire danger rating

For details about fire danger ratings, visit the BC Fire Danger webpage. If you see smoke or fire in a park, call *5555, contact the B.C. Wildfire Service, or dial or 911. For active smoke or fire within city limits, call 911 immediately.

Report a non-emergency fire hazard

Kelowna Fire Department

The goal of the Kelowna Fire Department is to continue providing prompt, professional, effective fire protection and public safety services to all residents and visitors to Kelowna; including fire suppression and rescue services; fire prevention; fire safety inspections; fire training; first medical responses; hazardous material response; specialty rescue; pre-incident planning; dispatch and emergency management. 

The Kelowna Fire Department operates seven fire stations located strategically throughout the city. Each station has a full complement of modern, up-to-date vehicles and equipment. There are 148 full time personnel and 24 paid-on-call volunteers. The dispatch centre handles 9-1-1 calls for all fire departments within the Regional District of the Central Okanagan and the Regional District of the Okanagan Similkameen. 

The Department’s full-time personnel promote public safety year-round through fire inspections and public education programs.  There are opportunities to fight fires and educate the public on fire safety as a career firefighter or volunteer firefighter.

Check out our Kelowna Fire Hall 1 virtual tour below.

Check out other Kelowna Fire Department information and safety videos:

Or watch them all on the Kelowna Fire Department YouTube playlist.