Regional Compost Facility

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Our Regional Biosolids Composting Facility in Vernon operates under the British Columbia Ministry of Environment’s Permit Number 108537, last dated July 12, 2017. It’s a joint operation between the City of Vernon and the City of Kelowna designed to effectively compost wastewater treatment plant biosolid material through an environmentally-friendly and financially-sound process. 

Opened in 2006, the facility produces a safe and highly-effective soil conditioner, known as OgoGrow, in accordance with the Waste Management Act’s Organic Matter Recycling Regulations. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency also tests and approves Ogogrow as a Class A product that can be used on all crops and gardens. All OgoGrow sales go directly back to the operation to help ensure the long-term, economic sustainability of the facility.  

OgoGrow is available for wholesale purchase (five yards or more) from Monday to Friday. Loading hours are 7:30 to 9:30 a.m., 10 a.m. to noon, 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Facility upgrades  

The City of Kelowna and City of Vernon completed a facility upgrade in 2010 that increased the capacity of the site to 36,400 tonnes of biosolids per year and improved the ability to water the piles effectively. In 2017, 30,368 tonnes were processed and 57,258 cubic metres of OgoGrow were produced. 

Odour control measures 

Odours are naturally created in the manufacture of compost and not all odours can be avoided, but they can be controlled and minimized through aeration and properly timed mixing techniques. The City of Kelowna and the City of Vernon have undertaken comprehensive odour studies in the last several years. Specialized equipment has been installed that senses the odour levels. This combined with weather information is used to create a model of the odour intensity. There's an action plan in place to modify activities on site if odour levels rise.