Sports & leagues

Kelowna Adult Sports Leagues

The City of Kelowna is proud to offer a variety of adult sports leagues. Most leagues available are co-ed and range from recreational to competitive in nature. Available at different locations, days and facilities around the city, sports leagues are accessible, inclusive and affordable. Learn to play, register & play and drop-in sports programs are also available each season.

Spring Sports & Leagues 2025

Winter league registration is now closed, but some late season sports may still be available for drop-in, register & play or learn to play programs (non-leagues).  Spring sports leagues and programs is now visible online.

Registration opens for all spring sports leagues on March 5, 2025 at 7:00am.

Available sports leagues for spring 2025:

Indoor volleyball leagues - registration closes March 30

Slo-pitch leagues - registration closes March 23

Beach volleyball leagues- registration closes April 13

Beach ultimate leagues- registration closes April 13



The TeamLinkt app is used to support our adult sports leagues. Captains and players are able to utilize the TeamLinkt app to find their team's schedules, rosters, report scores instantly, and more! Invites and step-by-step instructions will be provided directly to team captains after league registration closes. Through TeamLinkt, teams can access schedules, report scores, add rosters, monitor attendance, chat with the team and more. TeamLinkt also provides rules, standings and policies.


If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Need to reschedule a game?

Team captains can find more information on how to reschedule a make-up game in their TeamLinkt app league messages or email [email protected].  For outdoor sports leagues, rescheduling of games will be limited to game cancellations due to extreme weather (lightning, rain, heat, smoke, etc.)

More information:

Kelowna Sports Programs

Register & Play - Weekly pick-up games organized by participants and/or a City monitor. Register to secure your spot - space is limited. Sports available include: ice hockey, basketball, netball, table tennis, badminton, pickleball, indoor soccer, tennis and more.

Learn to Play - Mixture of direct instruction and game play lead by a City instructor. Work on skills and strategy through drills and competition. Sports available include: pickleball, tennis, hockey, skating and more.

Volleyball - Drop-in at Parkinson Recreation Centre, Gymnaisum

These volleyball programs are offered as Register & Play programs, drop-ins will be allowed only if space is available.


AgeDay(s)TimeCurrent Sessions
Friday7 - 9
Apr - June


Basketball - Drop-in at Parkinson Recreation Centre, Gymnasium

Drop-in basketball schedule:

DaysAge groupTime
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday13+ years6 - 8 a.m.
Tuesday 13+ years6 - 7:45 a.m.
Tuesday & Thursday17+ years12 - 1 p.m.
SaturdayFamily (9Y+)*12:30 - 2:15 p.m.
Sunday17+ years12 - 2 p.m.
SundayYouth (13-16 years)2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

* Family (9Y+) - Children 9-12Y must be accompanied by an adult 16+.

If you have additional questions about basketball at Parkinson Recreation Centre, please contact one of our clerks at 250-469-8800. 

Participant code of conduct

Our Active Living & Culture department operates environments that prioritize the health, safety and well-being of people attending its facilities and programs. Everyone at City-operated facilities has the right to be treated with courtesy and respect, and behave in a manner that is respectful and courteous and doesn’t disrupt the spirit of all participants, volunteers and staff or the operation of the facilities in any way. In general, behaviours must not discriminate, abuse, demoralize or otherwise negatively affect others or their enjoyment of the facility.

Expected behaviour

Engaging in behaviour contrary to the following expectations, particularly after being warned, may lead to an official banning from City-owned facilities as per the General Banning Policy.  Expected behaviours include but are not limited to:

  • Treat others with dignity and respect
  • Be polite and courteous using appropriate language
  • Follow direction and/or instruction of staff and volunteers
  • Use the equipment and facility in a safe and appropriate manner
  • Shirts and shoes required unless participating in an activity that requires otherwise
Non-acceptable behaviour

Non-acceptable behaviours include but are not limited to:

  • Sleeping
  • Roller blades or cleats inside
  • Photographing or filming without permission
  • Rude behaviour
  • Inappropriate language
  • Bullying and/or teasing
Prohibited behaviour

The following activities are prohibited and anyone engaging in them will be banned from our recreation and cultural facilities:

  • Sexual and verbal harassment
  • Solicitation
  • Possession, consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages unless authorized by a licensed event on site
  • Intoxication
  • Smoking
  • Possession or use of illegal substances
  • Possession or use of weapons
  • Sexual activity
  • Public nudity
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Physical violence or threat of physical violence
  • Loitering
  • Any behaviour that endangers the safety of any individual or group

We, as the City, are responsible for the safe and proper operation of our facilities. Instructions and directions are to be followed at all times and individuals or groups that are non-compliant will be subject to facility banning and/or removal by the RCMP.