Urban wildlife
Kelowna is home to many types of urban wildlife. As our population and urban areas grow, habitat and natural food sources available for wildlife diminish; this is why we find these animals in our neighbourhoods, seeking out garbage for food and our backyards for shelter. Kelowna is an ideal location to live, not only for us, but for many types of wildlife including:
- Bears
- Coyotes
- Deer
- Bobcats
- Cougars
- Marmots
- Pine beetles
- Geese
- Rats & other rodents
These animals are part of our environment, but can become pests and unwanted visitors if we attract them to human spaces.
To report wildlife sightings, and if you encounter threatening wildlife that is aggressive, breaking into buildings or causing property damage, please call the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277 or contact a Conservation Officer. If you’re concerned about wildlife in your yard or on public property or want more information about becoming wildlife safe, please contact WildSafeBC at 250-828-2551 ext. 110.
- Keep garbage out of reach as it's not healthy for bears and wildlife. When bears learn that garbage means food, they return to it again and again. Habituated bears have to be relocated or put down.
- Don't plant fruit-bearing trees and shrubs unless you are willing to clean up all of the fruit
- Remove bird feeders
- Compost responsibly
- Remove attractants from your backyards such as dirty BBQs and pet food
- Install a fence (please refer to Section 7 of the City's Consolidated Zoning Bylaw No. 8000)
- Limit access to areas that wildlife may use as a den, such as under or in sheds or wood piles
- Contact your local nursery or the Okanagan Xeriscape Association to learn more about wildlife-resistant plants, drought-resistant plants and landscaping
- Don’t run
- Make yourself look big
- Be loud and aggressive
- Don’t feed wildlife. Feeding wildlife, including bears, is illegal in B.C. (Dangerous Wildlife Protection Act section 33.1 and 88.1)
- Residents can be fined for not managing their waste correctly. It’s your responsibility to not attract wildlife (Solid Waste Management Regulation Bylaw)