Dog parks
There are more than 16,000 licensed dogs in Kelowna according to the Regional District of Central Okanagan. With the majority of Kelowna's parks allowing dogs on-leash, there’s plenty of space for everyone’s pet. Parks that don’t allow dogs on-leash are too small and too close to playgrounds, or in environmentally sensitive areas.
It only takes a few simple steps to find a dog park near you:
- Check out our Beaches & parks map
- In the “Choices” drop down menu, select the type of park you’re looking for under “Dog status”
- Click “Apply”
- You can also "Search by park" and the park's dog status will be displayed in the description
Following the rules when using dog parks will ensure that all park goers have an enjoyable experience, and dog owners avoid getting fined. In parks that permit dogs on-leash, dogs are to be kept on the sidewalk or trails (this is a regional bylaw). Owners must be in control of their dogs at all times and are expected to pick up after their pets immediately.
Remember that all dogs in the Central Okanagan must be licensed as per the Regional District's Responsible Dog Ownership Bylaw. For more information about dog licences, visit the Regional District's website; owners will also receive a My Dog Matters Rewards Program card.
- Owners/handlers must pick-up after their dogs. If they poop, you must scoop!
- Leashes must not be longer than two metres (six feet)
- Handlers must have possession of their dog leash at all times
- Maximum of two dogs per handler
- Handlers are responsible for any injuries caused by the dogs under their control
- Handlers must ensure their dogs don’t bother other park users
- Dogs on leash must stay at least 10m (30 ft.) away from playgrounds
Please remember that you’re responsible for picking up after your dog. Dog waste can remain on the ground for an extended period of time (up to one year, depending on the climate and conditions) and even after it has "disappeared," it doesn't mean it's gone; the waste contains bacteria, nitrogen and salts that don’t dissolve and have the potential to be harmful.
The majority of owners pick up after their pets, but with the average dog creating 124 kilograms of waste per year, it only takes a handful to create a problem.
Call the Regional District of Central Okanagan Dog Control at 250-469-6284 or Bylaw Enforcement at 250-469-8686 to report infractions (it’s helpful to provide a vehicle license plate number).
Check out our Parks & Public Spaces bylaw and fine schedule. Fines vary for each infraction.
Your four-legged friend can run free at several off-leash parks and beaches in Kelowna.
- North Glenmore Dog Park (2150 Glenmore Road, just north of the Glenmore Landfill)
- Ellison Fields Dog Park (4680 Old Vernon Road)
- Enterprise Way Dog Park (2500 Enterprise Way)
- Knox Mountain Dog Park (at designated off-leash location at 450 Knox Mountain Driveve, the rest of Knox Mountain is on-leash only)
- Duggan Park (small dogs only, 1494 Bernard Avenue)
- Rowcliffe Park (536 Rowcliffe Avenue)
- Mission Recreation Park (at designated off-leash location at 375 Gordon Drive)
- Cedar Creek Dog Beach (5200 Lakeshore Road)
- Lake Avenue Beach Access (117 Lake Avenue)
- Poplar Point Dog Beach (just north of Sutherland Bay Park, at 700 Ellis Street)
- Downtown Sails (cooling off beach with seasonal designated off-leash hours at the end of Bernard Avenue, near Kerry Park)
- Rutland Dog Park (645 Dodd Road)
- Owners/handlers must pick -up after their dogs. If they poop, you must scoop!
- Users of the facility do so at their own risk. The City shall not be liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog in the off-leash area
- The off-leash dog area is for dogs, their handlers and those accompanying them. No other use is allowed.
- Dogs must be always under control of their handler and in view of their handler
- Dogs must be removed from the off-leash dog area at the first sign of aggression
- All dogs must be legally licensed and shall wear a visible dog license
- All dogs should be currently vaccinated
- No animals other than dogs shall be permitted in the area
- No dogs under four months of age
- No female dogs in heat
- Handlers must be 15 years of age or older
- Children age 14 and under must be accompanied by an adult in the off-leash dog area
- Dogs must be on a leash when entering and exiting the off-leash dog area
We launched a public consultation process in 2016 to inform a long-term dog park management plan. Data obtained from a statistically valid survey, online feedback and discovery sessions held at proposed locations provided insight regarding public opinion to inform decisions regarding off-leash and on-leash areas.
For more information on dog parks in Kelowna, follow the Kelowna Dog Association on social media. The association consists of a group of citizens working to make Kelowna a better place for dogs and their families.