Snow Angels

> Roads & Transportation > Roads & sidewalks > Snow clearing & ice control > Snow Angels

Promotional graphic for the City's Snow Angels program

Do you have a friendly neighbourhood Snow Angel?  You know, that neighbour who braves the cold on the snowiest days and heads out with their shovel or snow blower to clear driveways and sidewalks throughout the neighbourhood. These individuals are doing a kind service to the community, and we can help you acknowledge them!

From the first snowfall, many Kelowna residents find it a challenge keeping their sidewalks free of snow and ice - particularly seniors or those with mobility challenges. Being a Snow Angel is truly the "neighbourly" thing to do; it involves lending a helping hand by clearing snow from a neighbour's driveway or sidewalk. 

Our Snow Angels program is about acknowledging those individuals who help our community by clearing snow without being asked or expecting thanks. Most residents live within steps of someone who could use a helping hand and, in many cases, someone is already helping.

Nominate a Snow Angel 

Nominations for the 2024/2025 snow season are now open!

Fill out the webform below and we'll send you a special Snow Angels toque and thank you card to share with your neighbour. You can also nominate your Snow Angel by email at (be sure to include your mailing address!).

Nominees will also be entered into a monthly draw to win two tickets to a Kelowna Rockets game as well as pre-game dinner. Draws will be done at the end of each month of the snow season and winners will be contacted by email. 

Snow Angels nominations are accepted for Kelowna residents only.