Snow routes

> Roads & Transportation > Roads & sidewalks > Snow clearing & ice control > Snow routes

There is currently no Snow Event Advisory in place.

Kelowna’s snow routes are in areas with elevated, steep and narrow roadways, or many cul-de-sacs. These factors make roadways in these areas difficult to clear. We temporarily ban on-street parking in snow route areas when significant snowfall (10 cm or more) is forecasted or underway – this is called a snow event advisory.

Those who live on a snow route need to remove vehicles from streets to allow for effective clearing within 24 hours of an advisory being issued. Snow route areas include Academy Way, Black Mountain, Clifton/Magic Estates/Wilden, Dilworth Mountain, Kirschner Mountain, McKinley Beach, Quail Ridge and areas in the South Mission, including The Ponds. They are marked with snow route no-parking signs. Snow route areas don’t get special treatment. They are cleared and sanded according to their priority classification and schedule. 

You’re welcome to move your vehicle off the street before a snow advisory has been called, and it doesn’t matter if you live in a snow route area or anywhere else in Kelowna. Moving your car off the street means streets can be cleared easier, faster and more effectively.  

View the Snow Route Map

Snow route parking bans

A snow advisory is issued during a significant snow event and a temporary parking ban is place on snow route roads, which allows plows to clear the snow from curb to curb safely and efficiently. The temporary parking ban helps decrease problems such as snow building up beside parked cars and reduced road widths due to snow accumulations. Vehicles that remain parked on these roads during the ban are subject to enforcement, up to and including a fine and tow. The fine is currently $50.

Snow Routes - Frequently Asked Questions

How do snow advisories and temporary parking bans work?

We declare snow advisories before a snowfall when greater than 10 cm is being forecasted. Occasionally, more accumulation occurs than was originally predicted and a snow advisory may be called after the fact as well. Temporary parking bans along snow routes come into effect 24 hours after the advisory is announced. Vehicles should be moved off the street as soon as possible but we don’t begin enforcement until 24 hours have passed. Cars left on snow route streets during advisories can be ticketed or towed. Snow route parking restrictions stay in place until we announce the advisory has been lifted.

Why are temporary parking bans necessary in snow route areas?

Streets that are free of cars can be cleared and sanded more easily, quickly and effectively. Our crews can clear snow from curb to curb, making roads safer and easier to navigate for residents, emergency services and snow clearing equipment. There’s no snow build up left behind around parked cars, and streets don’t get narrower because of that snow accumulation.

In terms of snow clearing, areas designated as snow routes will not be given any special consideration over other streets. Streets will be cleared by their priority classification as per Snow and Ice Control Policy No.332.

Where should I park during a snow route parking ban?

Residents living on snow routes are encouraged to find alternative parking in advance, such as a garage, underground parkade or surface lot.

Residents who typically park on a snow route and are going out of town or leaving the vehicle on the street for an extended period of time this winter should find alternate parking before leaving, or ask a friend or neighbour to move the vehicle.

How do I stay informed if a snow event advisory and parking ban is in place?

We will issue a snow event advisory and highlight it on the top of this page. An advisory can be issued as a result of a forecast for an expected snow event, during a snow event or after a snow event. The parking ban will come into effect 24 hours after the snow advisory has been issued. Vehicles should be moved as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours following the advisory.

The snow route parking bans will be in effect until the City declares they have been lifted. You can find out if the parking bans are in effect by: