Parking permits

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There are three types of parking permits in Kelowna that give residents special parking privileges and/or access to otherwise restricted spaces: accessible parking permit, eco-pass parking permit and residential parking permit. There is an application process and rules guiding the use of each permit.

Accessible parking permit

Anyone with a permanent or temporary mobility impairment (based on a physician’s recommendation) is eligible for this permit, which allows you to park in accessible parking stalls throughout the city so you’re closer to your destination. There are two types of permits: permanent (valid for three years) and temporary (valid up to one year). Businesses with individuals requiring accessible parking may apply for temporary permits. 

You’re eligible for an accessible parking permit if you: 

  • Need an extra wide stall to get in and out of your vehicle 
  • Can’t walk more than 100 metres 
  • Are legally blind 
Application and renewal process

You must complete either the individual application form or organization application form and submit it to the Revenue Branch on the first floor of City Hall for approval. If you have any questions, contact the Revenue Branch by phone (250-469-8757), fax (250-862-3391) or e-mail ([email protected]). It costs $24 (including tax) to apply.  

SPARC BC passes are honoured in City accessible spots. If your vehicle is a motorcycle, please contact SPARC BC to apply for/obtain a decal style permit as we do not offer this option. 

Permits must be renewed at the Revenue Branch once they expire. Temporary permits are valid up to a maximum of one year and require a new, signed doctor’s certificate to renew. Permanent permits are valid for three years and don’t require a new doctor’s certificate to renew. You must bring your expired permit to the Revenue Branch. Organization Permits are valid for one year and must be renewed along with and in accordance with your business licence. 

We don’t send out renewal notices. It’s your responsibility to keep track of your permit’s expiry date, which is shown on your receipt and is hole-punched on the placard. You can be fined $100 for using an expired permit. 

Appearance of permit

Permanent permits are made of flexible white plastic and have the internationally recognized blue and white accessibility wheelchair symbol on the front. The day, month, and year will be hole punched, signifying the expiry date. There is a side hanging hook to hang the permit around your rear view mirror while parked. 

"Permanent" or "temporary" will be written on the front of the permit.  Both permanent and temporary permits have the name of the registered owner printed and signed on the back. 

Rules for using permit

An individual is only entitled to one accessible parking permit and isn’t permitted to hold two permits from different jurisdictions at the same time.  

Accessible parking permits are only valid for the person whose name is printed on the back of the permit, and can’t be lent to anyone else. The permit must follow the permit holder in their vehicle or in a vehicle they are receiving a ride in. The permit can’t be used to access accessible stalls if the permit holder is not present in the vehicle, or is present but not leaving the vehicle.  

Always display your permit on your vehicle’s rearview mirror while it’s parked. Ensure you leave enough space between vehicles when parking side by side as some vehicles may be equipped with side lifts or ramps. Don’t park in “wheelchair lift vehicle” stalls if you do not have a lift vehicle.

Parking for no-charge with permit

Permit holders may park at no charge in City-owned parking lots or in on-street, accessible permit parking stalls (excluding reserved stalls). To view City-owned parking lots, view the map on Find parking and select “City of Kelowna” as the “owner/operator.” Posted time restrictions (two hours max) don't apply to permit holders. Vehicles with accessible permits may not remain parked in the same block (on either side of the road) or within a City lot/parkade for more than 24 hours – the maximum time limit for parking on a City street or in a facility/lot. 

Permit holders must pay for parking in any regular, on-street metered parking stall, and at privately run parking lots (example Hospital, Prospera Place). The intent of this permit isn’t to provide you with free parking, but allow you to park in accessible parking stalls so you’re closer to your destination. 

Penalties for using permit improperly

Improper use of your accessible parking permit can result in the loss your permit. Holding two permits from different jurisdictions at the same time may result in the cancellation of any City-issued permits. 

Vehicle parked in accessible spaces without a permit displayed on the rearview mirror may be issued a violation or be towed away at the owner’s expense. The registered owner of a vehicle found in violation is responsible for fees and fines brought against them if illegally parked on City or private property. 

If you have questions concerning City-issued fines and rules, contact Parking Services at 250-469-8400 or

Eco-pass parking permit

This permit grants plug-in electric vehicle owners up to two hours per day of no-charge, on-street parking in Kelowna. The permit is valid for a period of one-year and can’t be renewed. To obtain a permit, bring your ICBC vehicle registration and proof that your vehicle is a plug-in electric to the main reception desk on the first floor of City Hall.  

The eco-pass parking permit program is governed by Council Policy No. 375.

Qualifying vehicles
Residential parking permit

There are six residential zones in Kelowna that have timed parking restrictions (one- or two-hour maximum) for on-street parking. Permit holders may park their vehicle in these zones for up to 24 hours at a time, the maximum time limit for parking on any City street. 

The residential parking program is governed by Council Policy No. 366. 

Obtaining and renewing a permit

You can obtain a permit by visiting the Application Centre on the second floor of City Hall and providing your name, vehicle licence plate number and two pieces of documentation proving you live in a residential zone; one of those documents must be your vehicle licensing documents showing the vehicle is registered to the permit address. 

Acceptable proof of residency 

  • Vehicle licensing documents
  • Driver's licence showing the permit address 
  • Phone, utility, or cable TV bill 
  • Property tax receipt 
  • Bank or credit card statement 
  • Tenancy agreement 
  • Change of address registered with the post office

Permits cost $35 each, plus applicable taxes. Fees are payable by cheque, cash or debit card at time of issue. In cases where a property was developed without onsite parking in compliance with the Zoning Bylaw, or where a resident can’t park on their property due to physical restrictions to access their property, a fee exemption may be authorized on a case-by-case basis.   

All permits are valid for a maximum of one year and must be renewed annually.  

Permit fees help offset the enforcement and administration costs to provide this service to residents. This program requires a significant amount of staff resources to operate and provide enforcement. 

The measure of a successful parking program is compliance with the Traffic Bylaw and a reduction in the number of violations. When a parking management program is a success, the fine revenue decreases. Our goal is not to increase fine revenue, but to change behaviour and solve the parking problems in an area. 

Maximum number of permits

The number of permits that may be issued to a property is governed by the type of housing. 

Dwelling type

Maximum number of residential permits per dwelling unit

Maximum visitor (temporary) permits per dwelling unit 

One dwelling21,2
Two dwelling11,2
Three dwelling11,2
Four dwelling31 2,3
Five or six dwellingsNot available1 2
Seven or more dwellingsNot available1 per 7m (per property)1

1. The total number of Visitor Permits may not exceed one permit per seven metres of frontage where parking is permitted.

2. One short-term Visitor Permit may be issued in the case of a family emergency (i.e., illness), where an additional on-street parking space is required. This permit will be valid for one-month period. Approval will be on a case-by-case basis by the Building Inspection and Licensing Manager, Parking Services Manager, Parking Services Supervisor, Parking Operations Coordinator, or their designate.

3. Residents of each Four Dwelling unit must choose EITHER 1 Residential Permit OR 1 Visitor Permit.

Rules for using permit

Hangtag-style permits must be displayed on your rearview mirror, while decal-style permits must be attached to the inside of the lower left driver's side of the windshield. Traffic Officers must be able to clearly see your permit.  

Out of courtesy to neighbours, residents are encouraged to park in front of their own residences when space is available. However, permit holders don’t have preferential parking in front of their property as the street is City-owned and available for anyone to park.  

Residential permits are issued to a specific vehicle licence plate and are valid within one residential permit zone. If you change vehicles and obtain a new licence plate number, your permit will not be valid, and you must apply for a replacement permit. Please bring your vehicle insurance/licensing information to the Application Centre on the second floor of City Hall to update your permit information. 

Penalties for using permit improperly

Traffic Officers patrol time-restricted residential areas. Parking your vehicle longer than the posted limit without a residential parking permit clearly displayed may result in you receiving a ticket or your vehicle being towed away at your expense.  

For questions regarding the use of your Residential or Visitor Permit, contact Parking Services at 250-469-8400 or [email protected].

For inquiries regarding City-issued Bylaw Offence Notices, contact the issuing department. The contact information is located on the back of your ticket.

Visitor permits

Visitor (temporary) permits can only be used by visitors to the residence, and use will be closely monitored by enforcement personnel. You can obtain a visitor permit by visiting the Application Centre on the second floor of City Hall. There is no charge, but the permit must be renewed annually.  

These permits may not be used by the resident, permit holder or any vehicle registered to the address associated with the permit. The visitor must be present at the registered address while the permit is in use. 

Vehicles found misusing a visitor permit will be ticketed and/or towed. This violation will result in a cancellation of all permits for one year, and future requests for visitor permits for that residence will be reviewed and possibly denied. 

Residential parking petitions

Residents can request the creation of time restricted residential parking zones through a petition process.   

Residential parking petition

Residential time restrictions 

The process to request a new time restriction or removal is similar. A petition showing support of no less than 70 per cent of the residents in the area of the restriction (minimum of one block area) must be submitted to us. Only one resident per dwelling unit is eligible to sign the petition.  

Residential parking only zones

A petition must be completed showing support from a minimum of 80 per cent of residential permit eligible dwelling units on both sides of a block (between two intersecting streets). These zones will not be considered unless all other parking management measures have been exhausted and the following criteria are met: 

  • The subject block must have insufficient off‐street parking. The total number of off‐street parking spaces for all residences in a block must be less than the total number of spaces required as per Zoning Bylaw No. 8000. 
  • With a one‐hour maximum time limit in effect, occupancy levels during peak periods must exceed 90 per cent, with a minimum of 50 per cent transient parking. 
  • Unless a resident parking only zone is approved as part of an area parking plan approved by Council, implementation may be limited to one side or 50 per cent of a block, to be determined by the Parking Services Manager, Traffic Operations Supervisor, Parking Operations Coordinator. 
  • The block must be located within 500 meters of a high parking generator. Peak operating hours for the high parking generator will be used to establish the new restriction (i.e. daytime, overnight only or full‐time).