Citizen survey

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The City of Kelowna has been conducting a bi-annual citizen survey for over a decade. The survey provides a stable, ongoing measure of how residents feel about life in the City, their priorities for the future of the City and their satisfaction with the municipal services, programs and facilities the City provides. Results are benchmarked against other B.C. municipalities where possible, to help us understand how we measure up to other cities. The responses are weighted by age, gender and city-wide distribution to accurately reflect Kelowna’s population. Insights gained by this research help us make important decisions regarding planning, budgeting and service improvements.

2024 Citizen Survey results


The latest Citizen Survey reports that:

  • 86% of citizens have a good quality of life
  • 86% of citizens are satisfied with the overall level and quality of City services
  • 89% of citizens agree that the City is inclusive and accepting of all
  • 81% of citizens feel safe in the community

The top three community issues reported addressing social issues such as homelessness (41%), transportation (26%) and crime (12%). Residents also identified encouraging a diverse supply of housing options at different price points as a top priority for investment over the next four years (71%). 

 City services which ranked as strengths according to our residents include fire services, parks and sports fields, drinking water quality, recreational facilities and programs, snow clearing, road maintenance, and police services. 

Past citizen survey results